In the TBO/GTR cars, does setting the voluntary handicap override the server handicaps? i.e. if the server handicap is 70kg for the FZR, if I set the voluntary handicap to 10kg, does that make it 10kg handicap or does it make it an 80kg handicap?
Well, yes, I'm sure. In the yellow header it shows the global handicap, like:
Handicaps (80kg)
and in the slider you can choose the "voluntary added mass", which is added to the handicap. Selecting 10kg added mass will mean you have 80+10kg on your car, not replacing the 80kg with 10kg. Just think about it, the latter way would make the global handicap system a farce, as everyone would just chose 1kg voluntary mass to get rid of the other 79kg. It really wouldn't make any sense.
E: I was wrong, actually it works like this:
Global handicap: 80kg
Voluntary added mass: 50kg
Result: 80kg
Global handicap: 80kg
Voluntary added mass: 120kg
Result: 120kg