The online racing simulator
great! whats it a replica of?
Quote from LFSn00b :Public skin - Shoop Da Whoop :P

Uploaded to LFSW

IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER! amidoingitrite?
First skin I've ever made, and finished. Private as it is for clan.
Attached images
VIEWER_S2 2007-08-03 21-06-04-01.png
VIEWER_S2 2007-08-03 21-06-21-18.png
VIEWER_S2 2007-08-03 21-06-37-53.png
2 skins
I made the AE86 that belongs to Keiichi Tsuchiya and decided to make it public.
it's the most closest i could get it.



I also made the skin of the Fusion 350z from D1.
I have 2 versions, with/without 350z headlights.
Preview (headlights):

with headlights: ... 88/xrt350zfusiond1qx6.jpg

Enjoy them
Quote from LFS Drifter :Wow, they look pretty good, the headlights look a little but nice job.

yea i know the 350z lights don't fit
Monster Energy Mitsubishi Starion Skin for XRR.

Attached is a preview of the skin, and a public version with slightly different color scheme, which is already on LFSWorld, if you want to use it.
Attached images
fsr-Amizing skins!
Thanks guys!
Quote from LFS Drifter :Amazing Skins FSR ! I'll use em ! and btw where do you find your decals, could ya send me some


Decals are from brandsoftheworld, the web or even handmade in some cases. Been collecting logos for a couple of years. Not keen on giving them away, but take a look at the d1rdgp mod ( I've released templates for all the cars, and you can find a lot of logos there. Just remember to credit me if you use them in public skins...

And I'll give away a secret: A good way to find eps logos is to try and find pdf cataloges from the company you want the logo from. Very often they contain a vector version of the logo
Quote from mutt107 :best xrt skin's i have ever seen

Pretty sure there are way better skins out there, but thanks!

Since you guys like it so much I made another one
Attached images
Quote from fsr :Pretty sure there are way better skins out there, but thanks!

Since you guys like it so much I made another one

ooooo. thats pretty :P
Quote from LFS Drifter :WOAH 0.o Nice FSR ! you are freakin awesome, you said it was coo to uyse ya decals, just credit ?

What's the deal with all these drift skins using mirrored sides?
Quote from DeadWolfBones :What's the deal with all these drift skins using mirrored sides?

No one knows for sure. A couple of years ago it was a huge trend in Japan to have the right side mirrored. Not all logos, but the ones that were a part of the design. I'm guessing there are several reasons:

1. Better symmetry in the design...
2. Most italic text and logos lean to the right, making them lean against the direction of travel on the right side of the car...
3. The Japansese don't usually use our greek letters, so they just don't care what way it is as long as it looks pretty...
4. You will see the design the correct way when cruising past a big store window...
4. It's easier to make...

Some explain it as jin jang, saying that the design needs to be symmetric due to eastern culture. Not so sure though, as Japanese race cars usually have the logos the right way...

So if we break it down we see that it's a trend limited to japanese drifting/street racing. That kind of supports the theory that street racers want to se their design while cruising in the city and enjoying the reflection in windows.

I think it's a combination of that, and the fact that it's way easier to make it look good. And of course it does work in order to draw attention. Not anymore perhaps, but the first dude who did it probably got a lot of attention. So everyone else just followed, making it a trend. Not really having a reason at all...
Idolm@ster XR GTR. First public set of skins for the XR GTR by me. Uses the theme of the game "The Idolm@ster".

Use but don't claim as your own work, or prepare for a major wrecking!
Survivors will be wrecked again!
Attached images
VIEWER_S2 2007-08-06 04-06-12-75.png
Quote from hf7713 :GRAN TURISMO 4 SKYLINE GTR (PACE CAR) for XRR
I just don't know did anyone had posted it before...
But hope you all like that.
Sorry for no preview.:bowdown:

Dont post skins you havnt made. Authors dont like this.
(Dalek0220) DELETED by Dalek0220

Renders by LineR32 and yamakawa.
Hi Resolution Skin(2048)
Lo Resolution Skin(1024)
Save as "XRT_Sam-Kun" with out the quotes
not bad, u should buy S2 and improve your skills to the same level as teaz-r
TanaBe's JDM Style Drift Skin!

see attachment's for detail viewing of skin's
Attached images
jdm style pic 2.jpg
jdmstyle pic 1.jpg

XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )