The online racing simulator
Server name stolen [imitation]
SOmeone has stolen my server name again for heaven sake.

[LTC] Live To Cruise 4 - is NOT run by me, can you please terminate this server?

There really needs something to be sorted about this, its getting rediculous.

The person talking as "host" under the console, is saying that "soon LTC will be off the map, i will own all of the server names".

Is there not some kind of way, to solve it?
#2 - Jakg
Have you "trademarked" LTC? If not, then not really unfortuantely.

Have you tried to work out why the individual is prepared to rent 4 servers just to piss you off? Diplomacy might be your only option
Anybody can download the dedicated software and run it.

[LTC] Live To Cruise
[LTC] Live TO Cruise 2
[LTC] Live To Cruise 3

those three are mine, and im running atm

the [LTC] Live To Cruise 4 is the only server, that is stolen
the reason that he gave, for doing that, is because LTC takes too many players up, and none of left for his servers.
he has just unloaded the server.
The cruise servers in general take too many placers up.

Why do you have 20 or 30 instead of 2 or 3?
because they fill up, and people ask for more spaces... So, I give them more.

Is there anyway that I can request servers starting with [LTC] to only be able to be loaded, from a single IP address? As I run them all from a dedicated server.
This has been discussed before and there isn't anything you can really do about server name stealing.
i think its annoying cause kram does this out of his own free will.the you get fakes like this *** today trying to mess it up.why bother i mean does thi guy have no life atall so on that front i back krammeh all the way...
It would be nice to have reserved prefixes, or a seperate column entry, for server ident tags. This sort of thing can be very frustrating for the legitimate owner, but also, it can lead to an unwarranted reputation and missunderstandings between host and 'client'.

It would be nice if there was a server tag field, shown next to the server name, that could be password protected and setup inside LFSW.
Have you ever had that issue Becky, with the CTRA servers?
Quote from mcgas001 :i think its annoying cause kram does this out of his own free will.the you get fakes like this *** today trying to mess it up.why bother i mean does thi guy have no life atall so on that front i back krammeh all the way...

Maybe you should use the thanking thing in the right way, instead of abusing it and thanking everyone for no reason, it's a sure fire way to make every hate you and the whole thanking system idea.
Quote from zeugnimod :The cruise servers in general take too many placers up.

Why do you have 20 or 30 instead of 2 or 3?

Why are cruise/drift serves taking up players? If they don't want to race, they won't play LFS at all. It's better they play drift/cruise on those servers than either try to do it in a race server or not use LFS at all.

As for server names, as some servers are adding a fair bit to LFS, such as the whole cruise thing, it'd be good for them to be able to "protect" their name so that when people join an LTC server they know it is a real LTC one, not one run by someone with a half-baked idea of fixing a problem that doesn't exist.
mcgas001, Did you really need to thank nearly every post? i can see this getting real annoying... another thing for people to spam
i was going to post the same thing. why do people have to act so retarded. it gains them nothing except a bad reputation. i would guess the he has the mental abillity of a 6 year old to be able to find something so stupid so ammusing.
it was an accident i didnt know what the thanks button did sorry so can we please get bck on topic now thanks
You must have some major twitch to click a button accidentally 10 times. Hope you never get in a cockpit of a plane or something. Blind compulsive button pushing combined with that twitch would be deadly.
Think realistically, if someone wrote here that his team's tags are being misused, how would you react? This thing here is the same..
Quote from Lible :Think realistically, if someone wrote here that his team's tags are being misused, how would you react? This thing here is the same..

Yes, but there is still nothing more than asking the person to not use them than can be done
Quote from Krammeh :SOmeone has stolen my server name again for heaven sake.

[LTC] Live To Cruise 4 - is NOT run by me, can you please terminate this server?

There really needs something to be sorted about this, its getting rediculous.

The person talking as "host" under the console, is saying that "soon LTC will be off the map, i will own all of the server names".

Is there not some kind of way, to solve it?

Yes, warn everyone like this that it is not run by you, and put on your homepage a warning that you do not own nor run server 4.

You're very limited to what you can do, but warning is the best way to end it, and hope no one goes to that server, and when no one appears for several days on it, the fool running it may give up and no longer will you have that problem.

Otherwise, no, there is no direct way of ending it.
Quote from Krammeh :SOmeone has stolen my server name again for heaven sake.

How can something you do not own get stolen from you?
Burn him !
Quote from mcgas001 :i think its annoying cause kram does this out of his own free will.the you get fakes like this *** today trying to mess it up.why bother i mean does thi guy have no life atall so on that front i back krammeh all the way...

Really don't see how the guy thats using your Server name on his own server is 'ruining it for everyone else' simply, say its not your Server, he hasn't STOLEN anything. He has the Right to call his server anything he wants, but because hes put 4 at the end , its slightly different to that.

Honestly, whats the big deal, No.4 isn't Kram's, end of.
Quote from BlueFlame :Really don't see how the guy thats using your Server name on his own server is 'ruining it for everyone else' simply, say its not your Server, he hasn't STOLEN anything. He has the Right to call his server anything he wants, but because hes put 4 at the end , its slightly different to that.

Honestly, whats the big deal, No.4 isn't Kram's, end of.

true you have a point but kram was a bit angry at the time which is understandable