well, i think that could be detected by a script.. after a threshold let`s say "user X voted in the last hour 20 posts of user Y, giving #% (80-100%)positive/negative ratings to his posts.
If this gets out in the wild.. it shouldn`t be much fuss. we have moderators .. that can be notified by that script for such user actions.
A quick investigation and an action is taken. (like.. spend less than 1 minute browsing the user's profile, and see what he/she rated is valid).
For me, such a system wouldn`t bother me, but as a thread starter would help me a lot, if used properly. (aka 72% of the S2 licensed players who read it thought the post is really good, 10% didn`t, the rest didn`t vote, the other entity "demo players".. voted 90% "it`s crap"..). we can have that as a graph, statistic.. not x lines of text.
OR when an user is creating a thread, he should have a choice:
enable or not - the post voting system for that thread. in a thread showing youtube links, such a system would be worthless.