The online racing simulator
We need MPR files
(19 posts, started )
We need MPR files
Hello guys!

We want to release a new LFS movie.
For this we need your MPR-Files.

The motto reads as follows:

SAM - Stupid Action Movie - Part I illepall

It is not our intention to disgrace someone. In fact we want to create a collection of your self made Multiplayer Replays.

This MPR should include a STUPID action started by yourself

We don't need accidents you made on purpose.
Only those one you've made by mistake, please.

There are only a few restrictions for the MPR-files:
  • Max. size 3 MB
  • Your Skin must be available on lfsworld for download
  • We need your InGame Name & the lfsworld Name
  • At least 5 Players (Only for start crashes)
  • A short description of the situation with Start and End time of the part you want to show us
Please send an e-mail to [email protected] including the MPR
(Attachment please or download link)

The subject for this e-mail is : Iam-Movie
(Please use it because i want to seperate them)

Any questions ? ...[email protected]

Hopefully we will receive lots of MPR files.

I wont give any release date information at this time...lets wait & see.
We will do it as fast as we can after we got your MPR's

Greetz, Koyote (German site only, sorry)
Good idea. At least this movie will be something different than just drifting or usual racing. I don't have any replays because I usually watch them, take the screenshots and then I delete the .mpr files...
Well, i have a good replay of about 20 online UF1's round Fern bay something, me and my now team mate Gooden were just on having a differnt race from Uf1 As cadet as that ws our next league race.

We were a good bit faster than the rest and decided to start from the back, basicly it's m and him cuting between cars that are all over the place, it was one of thos races you don't get often, I can upload the SPR if you want to take a look and see if you want anything out of it.

Sorry if it's not what your looking for but it definetely shows how much fun online game play actually is.

#4 - bbman
erm... Ruling some slower drivers isn't really what coyote aims for, I think...

I think I have something, have to search it though... Was on Aston, I slipped (when I bumped into someone, or was I just driving bad, I don't remember) in T1, causing carnage to the whole pack...

edit: Ok, there it is... Not that much carnage as I was remembering it, but still about 5-7 cars involved...

edit2: Ok, doesn't upload... I may try it later, if it isn't rejected...
My mpr folder for my P4 installation is 604 files and 294 mb. My P2 that I just patched to Q is 1081 files and 854 mb. I'm sure I have plenty of crappy "oops" driving on my part, but I really don't want to look through 1685 files. That doesn't count my original S2 05m, S2 05L, and old S1 demo folders on the other PC that probably contain over 2000 mpr's. I do remember one T1 crash I caused that's pretty funny (now anyways). When I rejoined CRC after it reopenned, I jumped onto the CRC server for the first time with a bunch of other CRC drivers. We were at BL1 racing for some nastalgia in the GTi's. I forgot to calibrate or something and on the first start I had with all the CRC guys, with CRC proudly displayed in my nick, I hit the grass on the inside entrance of T1, lock up, and completely drove through the entire field turning into T1 like a total nOOb. I couldn't believe it, I looked like an arse, but it wasn't my fault at all. I can't remember why, but I had no control of my car at all.
You need stupid action, im a pro on that, im the right f/\g when its about causing stupid accidents etc.

Ohh sounds super,i have many replays of me fukin up people drifting and racing and the race itself, geting in front of drift trains,causing 8 cars accidents,overtaking and then sending noobs to wall (bah i do that all d time) etc, me going wrong way and make some guys from Argentina fly,me getting banned from lots of servers, me saying bad things of other peoples girlfriends,me destroying someone else team,me using fake name lying puting friends agaynst friends, hmm,me using someone else skins,me banning people for no reason,many things ive done these days, and some twin drifts too...

If you need something stupidly special, talk to me and i do exactly what u need,right away, live in server, if need any help editing etc, send me pm,and i will help if i can, i suck anyway.
Thats wrecking Slidaaa, hes talking about mistakes that caused pile ups
Quote from Bawbag :Well, i have a good replay of about 20 online UF1's round Fern bay something, me and my now team mate Gooden were just on having a differnt race from Uf1 As cadet as that ws our next league race.

We were a good bit faster than the rest and decided to start from the back, basicly it's m and him cuting between cars that are all over the place, it was one of thos races you don't get often, I can upload the SPR if you want to take a look and see if you want anything out of it.

Sorry if it's not what your looking for but it definetely shows how much fun online game play actually is.


Well, i could use those situations for the trailer.

Something like "How to handle your car"

I'm not sure if i can use them but i will take a look.

@ all the other guys.

Thanks for your response & please mail your MPR's

I received the first MPR file and...

...believe me...

...its amazing.


Greetz, Koyote a.k.a. MadMan illepall
Quote from Vendetta :Thats wrecking Slidaaa, hes talking about mistakes that caused pile ups Im sure they wouldnt want a replay of their immaturity.

Ohh thanks now i understand, well, actually not, if they dont want a replay of theyr own immaturity, its ok for me too... anyway, need help,just pm

2, 3, & 4 received...

...keep on mailing...guys
C'mon guys, you can do it better, i know it.

Please browse you MPR Folder & mail us your favourite !

We received 4 files but it's not enough

Greetz, Koyote
HI, just read this thread. Sounds like a nice idea if its edited nicely.

I'll have a search once i get back from work and get them off to you.

Good Luck.
We did it!

You need the WMV9 Codec for this movie.

We only got a few files but we hope it was enough.

The size is about 160 MB (640X480 px) for 5 minutes.

Have fun & please send us much more MPR's for the next part.

Stupid actions, Bugs, Start crashes and so on.

Thanks for your support...

Greetz, Team [Iam] (German site only, sorry!)


Download !!!
Nice vid Perhaps you could edit the thread title since SAM part 1 is complete now? I will try make more mistakes now..
Quote from NotAnIllusion :...Perhaps you could edit the thread title since SAM part 1 is complete now?

Yes, you're right.

I did it!

Klick here please
Sorry I forgot to send you the MPR, here have a look at it and see if you want to use it.

Attached files
UF1 FUN!!!!.mpr - 1.2 MB - 215 views
Funny movie.
Quote from Bawbag :Sorry I forgot to send you the MPR, here have a look at it and see if you want to use it.


Much thanks for the MPR.
I'll try to use it 4 the next part

We need MPR files
(19 posts, started )