The online racing simulator
Bumpdrafting - Gentlemen's agreement
It has come to my attention that some people in the league do not like being pushed (or bumpdrafted).
For this reason we are making a gentlemen's agreement that if they beep the horn you must stop pushing them.
This is not an official rule, but anyone with manners should obey it.
Quote from nikimere :It has come to my attention that some people in the league do not like being pushed (or bumpdrafted).
For this reason we are making a gentlemen's agreement that if they beep the horn you must stop pushing them.
This is not an official rule, but anyone with manors should obey it.

What about those that aren't lords with landed estates in which to walk gleefully on a cool August morn'? Typical of this league, it's one rule for the aristocracy and another rule for everyone else!
Ohhh satire, I likes it
lol! well spotted!
Yeah, well spotted. Even the arseholes need to respect the rules
Quote from Leprekaun :Yeah, well spotted. Even the arseholes need to respect the rules

? whats with all the bad vibes round here all of a sudden
Well, not sure if you've heard of it but there was this invention, I think it came out around the start of civilisation, I could be wrong, might be before. Anyway, this invention wasn't a physical object, its a psychological way of thinking. It was named joking in England but called kidding in the United States of America. In other countries, due to their distinct languages, have it named differently as for example, in Arabic, its called مزح. Its generally used to cheer people up when they are feeling tense or when feeling sad but also, can be used randomly when people are what is called "Having a laugh". Its very effective, you should try it

Just in case you didn't pick up on it and familiarise yourself with this ancient invention, all the text that I've written was designed to wind you up. I was, as I mentioned in my post, having a laugh
Quote from Leprekaun :Yeah, well spotted. Even the arseholes need to respect the rules

There's no need for that kind of comment surely? In a thread titled "Gentleman's Agreement" it's very out of place.
Quote from anttt69 :There's no need for that kind of comment surely? In a thread titled "Gentleman's Agreement" it's very out of place.


Well, not sure if you've heard of it but there was this invention, I think it came out around the start of civilisation, I could be wrong, might be before. Anyway, this invention wasn't a physical object, its a psychological way of thinking. It was named joking in England but called kidding in the United States of America. In other countries, due to their distinct languages, have it named differently as for example, in Arabic, its called مزح. Its generally used to cheer people up when they are feeling tense or when feeling sad but also, can be used randomly when people are what is called "Having a laugh". Its very effective, you should try it

Just in case you didn't pick up on it and familiarise yourself with this ancient invention, all the text that I've written was designed to wind you up. I was, as I mentioned in my post, having a laugh
#10 - CSU1
Quote from nikimere :It has come to my attention that some people in the league do not like being pushed (or bumpdrafted).
For this reason we are making a gentlemen's agreement that if they beep the horn you must stop pushing them.
This is not an official rule, but anyone with manners should obey it.

LOL! u kn00b! bumping is against da rulz ya know...really I do agree it just plain amusing to have the guy in front go mad and shout as if he was being attacked lol...damn noobs... You can't do it in leagues etc. coz thats gay


@ Lep, I believe what you talk of originated in Germany/Austria in the late sixteenth century, but have since become.robots....ZommmmnG! .. I'm blue in teh face trying to explain humour on these forums, regional boards is no problem...the Brits catch on sometimes, Mid-Eastern Eu's haven't a chance
Quote from CSU1 :LOL! u kn00b! bumping is against da rulz ya know...really I do agree it just plain amusing to have the guy in front go mad and shout as if he was being attacked lol...damn noobs... You can't do it in leagues etc. coz thats gay


@ Lep, I believe what you talk of originated in Germany/Austria in the late sixteenth century, but have since become.robots....ZommmmnG! .. I'm blue in teh face trying to explain humour on these forums, regional boards is no problem...the Brits catch on sometimes, Mid-Eastern Eu's haven't a chance

Well someone's been on the Paddy Sauce again...
Quote from Leprekaun :Yeah, well spotted. Even the arseholes need to respect the rules

you talking about yourself again?
keep the language clean please. as you said b4 (lx compition thread) kids read these forums. so try to keep it clean.