The online racing simulator

Just went from 2Mbit/512KBit to this A local (same country) test gives me 30k/12.5k speed
Quote from Electrik Kar :The Angry Angel- how much you pay for speeds like that??? That's crazy

Hehe, it's not my home connection unfortunately. That one is a rented box in germany And a fair bit.

Something is wrong with that. It's a 10/10Mbps connection and I can download at 1MB/s in reality. But it's still crap because I have 1GB/24h limits, which is why I also have a ADSL connection.
Here's my connection, ping is pitiful, It was worse on the Stillwater connection (the one closest to me)

It was crap last night.

With the connection upgrades they give me i will be able to start a 47 connections lfs server sometime in year 2025..
Just in time for S3.

(But then, we probably have 100 slots and you have to wait another 20 years :tilt

AOL? What were you thinking?

On a 6mbit connection.
Quote from h3adbang3r :AOL? What were you thinking?

AOL was the cheapest and only isp with a 1 year contract (others had 2 years)...
so havent had a choice back then.

oh and my speeds are down to the 4MB/192 kb/s now
oh well, still double as fast, 10€ cheaper and 3 times better ping

Virgin Media 20Mbit line.. i think somethings wrong >.<
ha ha it takes me 7.1 hours 2 download 100mb file lol!
yeah you gotta love dial up!
mickyc - are you mad.. or an idiot perhaps. I personally would like everyone like that being restricted from the forum. And dialup isn
t 32 KBPS.. it's 32 kb/s ! Yeah.. it would be nice to disable the cabs lock for a minute YEAHHH!

Can't get this nifty speedtest-thingy working.

this was naturally my 4 mb line...but now it got upgraded...a bit.
gonna get a free upgrade to 16MB next weeks
university connections dont count

Meh, better than Jamies so I win!
Quote from Lible :mickyc - are you mad.. or an idiot perhaps. I personally would like everyone like that being restricted from the forum. And dialup isn
t 32 KBPS.. it's 32 kb/s ! Yeah.. it would be nice to disable the cabs lock for a minute YEAHHH!

Can't get this nifty speedtest-thingy working.

Ease up turbo! whats up your clacka? i can have dial up if i like! and im moving and getting broadband if that makes you happy! and so what if my CAPS lock is stuck on! IT obViOusly NoT MY faulT, it can be very TEMPREMENTAL A TIMES! ooops there we go again! crickey you gotta love caps dont ya mate!
old thread revivals ftw...
my line finally got upgraded ^^

^^ - "Alice? Who the *beep* is Alice?"

Mine is rubbish.