Well, let me offer my amazing Canadian insight on this thread.
1) Redbull is good, in reasonable quantitys, reasonable being 1 before a vigorous physical work out (Wanking is not a vigorious workout before you ask)
2) Laptops can be overclocked, but don't do it, using my iMac as an example, they get too hot without the OCing, so just **** off with the overclocking of it.
3) Search plz
4) Drift City makes me suspicious, just the stuff that's running while you run it, makes me think they are spying at me and sending me porn into my computer. (Or is that uTorrent doing that... <.<)
5) Please stop posting Harjun, until you can atleast use a little bit of brain before you post, if Niko can get past that, anyone should be able to (No offence Niko, but you have gotten better as of late for stupid, senseless posts)
6) I am not Jakg.