The online racing simulator
(145 posts, closed, started )
Jack, go fix yer Xeon..I'm trying to help him here
Quote from DieKolkrabe :...Maybe instead of messing about with a £700 laptop, maybe a top spec Fisher Price model may be more appropriate?

lol hahaaha. good comment:smash3d:
Quote from JohnUK89 :Jack, go fix yer Xeon..I'm trying to help him here

The good news? I gots it in Vista now at least. The bad news? I cant get the poxy LAN drivers working?

2 Days with no proper PC make Jakg a sad panda
Yea yea yea.

This thread should be closed. It has nothing else to offer, it will become a bucket of spam.
Quote from Jakg :The good news? I gots it in Vista now at least. The bad news? I cant get the poxy LAN drivers working?

2 Days with no proper PC make Jakg a sad panda

Chuck me a PM with the mobo model etc and I'll try find you something
John...after playing LFS...with my window open (my desk which my laptop is on is right beside window) it went only up to 45!, and it idles at 35...ill even post screenshots if you dont believe me ! do i underclock my my good friend Xavier from told me that RAM is my how do i?
Being honest with you, I don't have a clue. I've never used clockgen, and as such don't know how it works. Sorry, but laptops just aren't designed for this kind of thing
You put your memory on a divider. I don't think ClockGen has this feature though, so your SOL.

Reason No. 443 why BIOS Overclocking>ClockGen overclocking
Quote from harjun do i underclock my my good friend Xavier from told me that RAM is my how do i?

Change the RAM-FSB ratio. What speed is your RAM rated for?

EDIT:Jakg Beat me to it, but I forgot that the PLL only changes the CPU speed AFAIK. Is there a memory PLL as well?

@harjun: Your sig makes me puke a little in my mouth.
Harjun, what you could do is to loosen up the memory timings to get a little more out of it, but tbh you'll get more CPU speed at the expensive of less RAM bandwidth, and will get no "extra" speed out of it.

I think A64 tweaker works on a Turion, but please for the love of god read up on memory timings first.
I forgot, my sister has a AMD Turion X2 powered laptop. The bottom of it feels *HOT*, I can't imagine why someone would want to overclock one! If it can't run Prime95 for >12 hours, then why bother overclocking, IMO.
Playing lfs for 10 minutes does not mean nothing about how stable your cpu is, This is the only advice i am going to give to you.

You need a stable pc more important then anything, Run this program SP2004 for about 8-12 hours to a good stable cpu. Forgot to say run the setting at small FFTs - stress cpu

While you are running that in the background you can also run cpuz and take a screeny of you failing after 1 minute, post it here and lets see your cpu temps, clockspeed and your face when you smell you laptop burning up.
Attached files - 448.1 KB - 216 views
SP2004.rar - 244.1 KB - 175 views doing that, temperatures have rised 50-52, staying in that region now , sometimes going to 48, ill post some screenies
Here are pics...sorry but that test didnt do much...temperature was like...48-50 at beginning...then, went to 35-40 ooh, its gone to 48-50 now
Attached images
When my CPU reaches 40°, I start to tone things down a little. It may not be bye bye Harjun just yet, but it will be in a matter of monthes.
Niall - My 3700 IDLED at 38° and my Quad is now idling at 39°
Quote from Jakg :Niall - My 3700 IDLED at 38° and my Quad is now idling at 39°

Urhd, Quard Coare processer. Oh mesisng about with my quard caore.

P.S I'm not getting a Q6600 o.O
Quote from harjun :ok...this is the truth man, thank you for the advice

Basically...all i have is a little fan....and at 2.9Ghz...temperatures are 50celcius max...thats the truth

Lie lie lies, you have it clocked at 1.9 no where near 2.9.

Quote :
temperature was like...48-50 at beginning...then, went to 35-40 ooh, its gone to 48-50 now

Harjun will you just stop lieing temps do not drop that quickly.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Urhd, Quard Coare processer. Oh mesisng about with my quard caore.

P.S I'm not getting a Q6600 o.O


Seems it actually idles at 42°, but when i left a copy of Prime95 on one core the temperature doesn't change (I love Quad core, i didn't even notice!)
What's the point of Prime95 on a multicore CPU unless you're running as many copies as you have cores. Surely you should use Orthos or something similar?

Core temps can drop very quickly tbh, probably not on an overclocked laptop in all fairness, but these Core 2's seem to change temp scarily quickly.

40 degrees won't hurt a CPU, bearing in mind silicon can stand well over 100 degrees, not strictly comparable to CPUs I know, but people do get worried about their temps being like above 55 etc for no reason. I bet most machines that sit turned on in offices all day idle at well over 50, just because they have little or no maintenance and poor cooling setups, and granted they probably arent ever used at 100% load, but you don't see them melting or catching fire.

ANYWAY, 1.6 up to 1.9 on a Turion lappy isn't too bad I suppose. Harjun are you using motherboard monitor to monitor your temps? I swear that program is very rarely correct.
I'd just like to make a note that the human eye is flawed in that it can't see more than 20FPS or so, and although there's an apparent difference in smoothness between 20FPS and 50FPS, there's really nothing in it between 50FPS and anything above. I recall Harjun wanting to go to 100+FPS, there's no point. Just stop screwing with your notebook. What will you tell your dad when it fries?
comon guys let him do his work HARJUN Go ahead overclock that sucker to 2/2.8 ghz make us proud follow my word of advise on my sig

here are some more pictures of my litte fan at work!

temps are like...never abouve 45 now!, even playing LFS
Attached images
Quote from rc10racer :Lie lie lies, you have it clocked at 1.9 no where near 2.9.

Harjun will you just stop lieing temps do not drop that quickly.

oops sorry i meant 1.9 sorry, i wansnt intending to lie there not lying!, it was 35 sometimes
You're not lying??

GIVE ME A BREAK! Stop lying and denying it. Just forget the whole overclocking issue.

You know nothing about overclocking, are not going to listen, why am I even bothering to help you...mods, please lock this thread. And ban the lying whining SOB as well :S

This thread is closed

(145 posts, closed, started )