The online racing simulator
real auto transmission
(83 posts, started )
Quote from JTbo :Aye, one thing is to get your vision checked, you may need glasses and those really do help (been there....) then get massage for upper body at least, reqularily, one part of problem is tension at shoulders/neck. Also pole walking helps (walking with sticks, eh, that crazy finn thing?).

Then drink enough water, sometimes it can be part of problem too.

I've needed glasses for a while now, but when I actually have them they don't make a noticeable difference to my vision (they oddly still make the DMV happier though)

We've been in the middle of a heat wave here for a little over a week, so that might answer that as fa as hydration is concerned. This seems the most likely, as it's the first time i can recall ever having a headache so bad and so suddenly. Was like getting cracked in the side of the head with a golf club.

Stress at work combined with depression has kinda had my back and neck tight. Also a prime suspect for the problems as this month at work has absolutely sucked balls.
Well, so you may need glasses, could be dehydrated and under a lot of stress.... Sounds to me like prime headache time!

A massage would really help like JTBo says, you may want to get a chiropractic adjustment either before or after... subluxation of the neck can cause major headaches, and stress / tight muscles can really contribute to that.

Hope you get feeling better!
If you see points of brigth ligth even if you close your eyes its a "migraine" (don't know the word in english). When you get it there is quiet nothing to do. I know it I have somes during this hollydays after worked too hard and sleep few. What I do in these circunstances: Stay in the dark (important since any ligth is painfull), lay on my bed and just relax by taking deep breath, don't think to anything (even to the automatic gear box suggestion) and most important find a silent place. It's more easy to say than to do, i unfortunaly know it

Massages are preventive messures. When you got migraine any contact of touching can be painfull in a way.

Who said we are off topic?
hey wow... this aint the Ph.D discussion thread!
Quote from sinbad :robot operated manual gearboxes aren't very realistic

They aren't realistic in real life either. Take any Renault Quickshift out for a spin and see for yourself!

The idea is great, combining better efficiency of a manual gearbox and the ease of use of an automatic. But the final product is annoying as hell, the electronic brain of the thing that operates the clutch and changes the gears via hydraulics is BAD.

I wonder how the supercar "F1 style" gearboxes are done, and how they are to use. At least with Renault's version it's impossible to drive smoothly in rush hour city traffic..
Quote from Huru-aito :They aren't realistic in real life either. Take any Renault Quickshift out for a spin and see for yourself!

The idea is great, combining better efficiency of a manual gearbox and the ease of use of an automatic. But the final product is annoying as hell, the electronic brain of the thing that operates the clutch and changes the gears via hydraulics is BAD.

I wonder how the supercar "F1 style" gearboxes are done, and how they are to use. At least with Renault's version it's impossible to drive smoothly in rush hour city traffic..

Ahh but that's different. The LFS auto-gears would still be an H-pattern in the floor, but the human that you basically are in control of within the world of LFS is in control of the gears for you. In the same way that using autoclutch and paddles doesn't make the transmission into a sequential gearbox, it's an H-pattern with much of the work performed by the "robot" that is your driver.
Quote from tristancliffe :I think some Top Fuel cars use Auto boxes.

Of course, they rip out a lot of the internals, weld bits together, and give it manual control... but still.

Yea thats true. An manuel transmission box will ust explode, a dobleplated racing clutch cant even take a Top Fuel from the startline Dragracers use auto boxes with manual shiftkitt
yes and it allso change gears like an auto eg if you only give it a little throttle the gears will change more often and if you gunit it will hold gear till it hits the right rpm

real auto transmission
(83 posts, started )