It's not a matter of braking pb, we all've some day wanted to see at wich speed the car goes. It's just a test drive and should be properly done. In my case i'm never speeding if there is people on the street. You can risk your own life as you wish but not invole 3rd party people.
The problem is that evrybody don't have a track or an authoban near by them. And event then, going on a real track can be more dangerous than just speeding in a straigh line wich goes uphill and wich you perfectly know (in my case).
The main thing to remain is that by speeding you increas dramacticaly your chances to crash your car, hurt you or somebody else and finaly it just save you some seconds, one or two minutes on a long way. Does it worst the price? In lfs: hell yhea, on the street: not for shure. I won't like to live with a death or whatelse on my conscience
The problem is that evrybody don't have a track or an authoban near by them. And event then, going on a real track can be more dangerous than just speeding in a straigh line wich goes uphill and wich you perfectly know (in my case).
The main thing to remain is that by speeding you increas dramacticaly your chances to crash your car, hurt you or somebody else and finaly it just save you some seconds, one or two minutes on a long way. Does it worst the price? In lfs: hell yhea, on the street: not for shure. I won't like to live with a death or whatelse on my conscience