Here's a my part so far. You guys wanna check if it works for you too ?
Works on 0.5Q also. This is one thing i looove about In/OutSim. It's not
patch dependant much. My main concern is about the config, if you look
around a bit in my version, you'll find a config window where i tried 2 ways
of getting the info, one searches the folder it's in for the LFS config.txt
file and the other uses RAM (beware, it's for 0.5P, it wont work for 0.5Q).
Both ways worked for me, but having OutSim activated in the config.txt
is essential for LFS to even send OutSim info, therefore i think it would be
best to keep the "search cfg" code and request that this app be kept in
the LFS folder. That way it can check if OutSim IS activated and warn the
user in the event it's not. Also, i didn't find the delay in the RAM and don't
really want to be messing there anyways since it would be dependant
on the patch version.
I had (still have) fun trying to understand wtf happenned to the values,
but for now, only position is still giving me problems. I'll start on the
plotting/graph tabs and make it draw it's position at regular intervals.
If it ends up drawing the track layout, then we should be all set

I'm not posting the VBcode 'cause i added lots of my own modules in it
and don't really want that part to be public...
This should be the base of GteK i suppose, it's a VB version of Gmeter
basically. I always liked the concept of Gmeter (it was my idea after all)
and i'd like to make a VB version. I just need to learn how to make plugins
now so people can make their own plugins if they want.
Oh, btw, be sure to click the Telemetry button to see the values. Other
buttons don't do anything yet.