The online racing simulator
Replay saving reminder?
(18 posts, started )
Replay saving reminder?
well, I have a weird problem. I do vids from time to time and I need replays. But I often (allmoust everytime) forget to save them after the race. Auto save isn't a decision for me as its hard to sort and will take a lot of space.
I'm asking if there is a program that for example will remind you with some message to save the replay. If not, can it be done?

There is an autosave feature i seem to remember. No need do do it manual all the time.
Yeah, it would be pretty easy to do this, you could write an InSim app that waited for the race finish message then sent you a reminder. I don't think such a program exists at the moment though...
Ohhh....I'd be interested in this, I am forever forgetting to save replays, and the autosave all replays is far to heavy handed (and HDD space consuming) for my tastes.
Yeah this would be pretty neat, I wonder if Gai-Luron could build it into LFSRelax as it suits the concept of his app. Hopefully he sees this once he gets back from his trip in a couple of weeks.
any luck of someone doing such program?
Another option is ofcourse leave it on auto and make a autocleaner for your HDD? Delete all replays of last week/day? Y

ou can run it with windows scheduler. Might be easier to make and dont require insim knowledge.

Dont know for sure but it might be done with a batch file?
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :Another option is ofcourse leave it on auto and make a autocleaner for your HDD? Delete all replays of last week/day? Y

ou can run it with windows scheduler. Might be easier to make and dont require insim knowledge.

Dont know for sure but it might be done with a batch file?

Old replay doesn't mean its bad. It may take several months to get good replays for a vid, so I don't think thats a good solution.
I knocked up a quick .NET app for this. I've not heavily tested it so it might have a few bugs. I'll test it later tonight to make sure it's OK, but it seems to work for the moment. Check the readme.txt for more info.
Attached files - 141.8 KB - 204 views
great, Thanks. Gonna test it today
Ok, I'm kinda new to ll this insim applications, but it doesn't seem to work for me.

I've put all those files in LFS folder. Started LFS, typed there /insim 29999, than connected through the programs window(entered all paswords etc.), but still no luck. I've been on CTRA 1 & S-S servers but I wasn't getting any message (both from mid race join or full race)
Did I do something wrong?
Works well for me remotly. Throws an error (which I forgot to copy) if you close LFS first, its basically a disconnection error, but still, thought id report.

Thanks for this Darktimes.. Your LFS Apps are great, keep em coming!
ok, false alarm, I found out the reason. Another question: What should I do so that program starts automatically with LFS?
i use autosave and delete the videos if there is nothing happening on that day...
The app seems a little buggy for me too, it's not working out perfect. I'm going to work on it some more, when I have the time. The new version has some cool features, but I'm not going to release anything until I've got the message working correctly.
Use automatic replay saving instead of some program. It takes lot of space from HDD, but it is worth it.

Replay saving reminder?
(18 posts, started )