TC Prize for 1000th unique user!
Hi everyone,

We currently have 969 unique users of our insim since last saturday, and we are going to give a cash prize of 5,000 euros (insim money of course, unless someone wants to give a generous donation ) to the account of the 1000th unique user.

The bonus will automatically be given by the insim system, and a nice /rcm message shown to show everyone that the thousandth user is in the server, and has won!

Good luck


p.s. sorry if ive posted this in the wrong section, feel free to move it if it is.
Lol, my heart jumped when I read 5000 euros :P
But then it only was in game money
Quote from The Very End :Lol, my heart jumped when I read 5000 euros :P
But then it only was in game money

And as we all know virtual money is
#4 - Lible
So, what can you do with that "virtual money"? Buy a virtual car?
Quote from Lible :So, what can you do with that "virtual money"? Buy a virtual car?

You can buy a virtual car, which if you went to another server you could drive anyway.
But you cant cruise with it on the other servers.

You have to race with it in this racing sim.
hmmm another cruise sever giving away Very little prize money to people who sign up for a server which is full of noob wreakers... no thanks
Quote from theirishnoob :hmmm another cruise sever giving away Very little prize money to people who sign up for a server which is full of noob wreakers... no thanks

1) i didnt mention sign-up, just enter the server and your part of it...

2) youve never been to our server (well in the last 3weeks anyway), so you cant judge from the sidelines matey

Also, this is obviously just for people interested in cruise servers, if your not, this isnt the thread for you
TC? What's that?
can i have the money anyway?
Traffic Cops*
Well done to "The Very End", he entered the server at 2:41am BST, as the 1000th unique user!

Your account has been topped up, nice one

This topic can be closed now if you mods wish

Thanks everyone

Quote from The Very End :Lol, my heart jumped when I read 5000 euros :P
But then it only was in game money

I bet you wish it was real money now
I thought the winner got Traction Control...
Dont close the thread!

I love this thread
Lol I love it too ;D
Was fun to join the server middle on the night to get a "WELCOME YOU WON!!!!" messages lol
Thank you.
Bloody Norwegians - Comming over here and stealing all MY stuff

Well done endy - you can cruise in style now bro
yea ;D
The fun is that I have only been on the server twice, as far as I can remember, so I`M not a hardcore cruise fan ;D
Obviously, it was your first time on the server when you are the 1000th UNIQUE user.
Lol, then I`m even more lucky ^_^

But.. why couldn`t the price be that I got all the cars, or at least the most expensive one? That sounds more like a gift that only 5k :P
COuld only buy XRT for those money :P
if you don't want the money you can give it to me. there's a lot I can do with 5000 euros (TC money of course)