The online racing simulator
A betting-system for the credits
How about a system, so people can bet on theirself or against others in a race using their credits (which have no useful application atm). People could also buy special credits via paypal (where for instance 10% goes to the devs ) and can win and LOOSE real money. I think this could be funny and give some special motivation for some of us. Also u could attract more and other people to the program. Maybe it could be a reference game for online betting. And it could be possibility for the devs to earn some money. So they can buy all of us a MRT if 1.000.000 LFS's are sold. illepall No, i dont really want one.
I think with actual money riding on race finishes, accidents would turn very nasty indeed.

Thumbs-down from me.
#3 - DR3W
That is some good thanking but, people dont want to lose real money. And that will make more people race dirty to win and more people trying to crack/hake the game so they win ect..
But the credits should be used for something, i see lfs doing something with them soon thow.
#4 - JJ72
Then how can you sell the game to underage gamers?
This is wayyyy too far away from the original concept of LFS