probably stole your account details buddy. Never seen it happen to anyone before.... but you've been locked out of the main "official" sites
Try and see if the IPs are blocked in your local hosts file.
If you are using Windows XP, goto START > RUN > and copy/paste this in the window:
For Windows 95/98/Me type
For Windows NT/2000/XP Pro type
For Windows XP Home type
c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (this one works on Pro even)
It should ask you what to open the file with, open with Wordpad or some text editor. If you have any IPs of LFS's sites blocked, they would be listed in here. This is also where some Spam Blocking tools add popup sites and stuff.
I thought this could help, but might as well try it
But if your account was stolen, it is possible you may never get it back unless you talk to the developers about it. :o