The online racing simulator

Poll : Road Sport Winter Cup day/time

Thursday evening 19:30 GMT
Sunday evening 19:30 GMT
Saturday morning 12:00 GMT
Saturday evening 19:30 GMT
Sunday morning 12:00 GMT
Another time (please state below)
Road Sport Winter Cup, timezone poll
Ok, I know it's early days, but I am planning that the RSWC will start early November, and I am at the planning stage for it.
There are going to be some chances to the current format, more on that at a later date, but the biggest thing for me, is the day/time of the event.
I would like to try and cater for as many people as possible, so I am throwing the choice out to you guys when would YOU like to race, obviously only vote if you would be interested in the RSWC (RAC+FZ5 racing).


The day and time we're currently using for the RSSC suits me just fine
Any evening suits me fine. I think if it was just an hour later we would get a few more people from america and such places to join. without drastically shanging the time to like 1 AM
#4 - P1lot
Sunday to Thursday nights suits me.
Maybe later if the same format, but no later if you're making it 2 races.
#5 - DeKo
sunday would be good for me. Im not entirely sure whether i could make thursday nights anymore, but if it was kept at that i would make an effort to try and get on for it
same here i had an interview today and thursday isent great anymore
Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday evenings
#8 - Vain