Apart from servers that sit empty, every server operator in LFS have taken critisicm for poor driving standards on their servers - ironic considering the people who make these criticisms are the drivers themselves.
I do feel for FM sometimes as they cop a bit of flakk, but I cop enough flakk myself for me not to care too much about the comments made about FM.
The truth is FM are not that much different to any other server operator whos server gets used. OK I make the obvious exception of my own being head and shoulders above everything but that's because i'm utterly biased, in truth FM are just a.n. other server operator who are in this thread being the victim of a standard motor racing drivers reaction, you see, there's one thing that LFS simulates very well: Racing drivers never make mistakes.
If I had one quibble at all it would be that i've seen FM admin's do their adminning from the drivers seat - but i've seen this on most other servers too - it's a personal hate of mine.
I feel that you cant make good, clear, impartial decisions from the drivers seat - but this isn't something that is unique to FM - one could argue that at least it is better than no admin at all. Well, at least if the wrong driver is banned it means that the argument is over, small consolation, but it's something
