The online racing simulator
Some of my Skins
Quote from UNCLE SILVIA :Im a NOOB to the forum but been racing for a while!

Just thought Ide share 2 of my skins.......

Private Skin............. ... 20Speed/teamhalfords2.jpg ... 20Speed/teamhalfords4.jpg

and a fun Public Skin............
Preview: ... ive%20For%20Speed/LD1.jpg

Download: ... ed/XRT_LEARNERDRIFTER.jpg

Wondering how you made that halfords car...
The Learner Drifter needs alot of improvements though. Good thing I have the materials to make or improve skins.
XRT Police car skin. I sawed these pictures and I wanted to make equal skin. It's for public use, but please, don't modify it without my permission. There it is:

Skin (in 2048x2048 resolution): ... mp;stc=1&d=1187019527

Screenshots: ... mp;stc=1&d=1187019527 ... mp;stc=1&d=1187019527 ... mp;stc=1&d=1187019527

And if someone wants, i can make this skin for other cars.
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Saleen S7 Replica
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I've been having way too much fun lately making skins. Here's one inspired by Monty Python.
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SuperGT, you do realize you aren't allowed to use BeSpoke correct?
Quote from SuperGT12 :That isnt black wodd that WH WestHill

What u mean i cant?

So do like my skins? are they good enought?

basically you have cracked the game? or do you really have an s2 license? as good as those skins are cracking isn't welcome here!
SuperGT tu esi jāklis. Tevi takš nobanos no šejienes, kas būtu baigi arī labi.
Yes he is using cracked s2 - ban him.
i smell burning fruit... :bananadea:bananadea:bananadea
Delorean Skin
Ok so back to the point, here is the Delorean skin I did today. I'm thinking of doing an FZ5 next in the style of the Austin Powers Shaguar. Any thoughts?
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Quote from SuperGT12 : Sorry guys i realy didnt mean to crack game but when i saw some videos on youtube i wannted so badly that i couldn't resist becaus the LFS is the coolest game i ever played! :eclipsee_ and did a crime so i am very sorry
and i will buy S2 license soon!

The fiziks in game are so realistic exept damage part

Mods, do your job.:bananadea
There is my brand new skin specially made for the IGP SL. Its my first attempt at making a body kit so maybe its not that good!

Credits goes to Charlie for the screen! Thanks m8
Credits goes to Kelu for the diffuser (all the other parts are made by me)
My first attempt to make a drift skin. It is private skin and made for my friend.
Quote from fsr :No one knows for sure. A couple of years ago it was a huge trend in Japan to have the right side mirrored. Not all logos, but the ones that were a part of the design. I'm guessing there are several reasons:

1. Better symmetry in the design...
2. Most italic text and logos lean to the right, making them lean against the direction of travel on the right side of the car...
3. The Japansese don't usually use our greek letters, so they just don't care what way it is as long as it looks pretty...
4. You will see the design the correct way when cruising past a big store window...
4. It's easier to make...

Some explain it as jin jang, saying that the design needs to be symmetric due to eastern culture. Not so sure though, as Japanese race cars usually have the logos the right way...

So if we break it down we see that it's a trend limited to japanese drifting/street racing. That kind of supports the theory that street racers want to se their design while cruising in the city and enjoying the reflection in windows.

I think it's a combination of that, and the fact that it's way easier to make it look good. And of course it does work in order to draw attention. Not anymore perhaps, but the first dude who did it probably got a lot of attention. So everyone else just followed, making it a trend. Not really having a reason at all...

Wow, thanks for all the info. Wasn't expecting such a well-reasoned and informative post.

Quote from Martinss :SuperGT tu esi jāklis. Tevi takš nobanos no šejienes, kas būtu baigi arī labi.
Yes he is using cracked s2 - ban him.

Super Gt AUTOBACS SEVEN ARTA NSX. Part of a pack. No release yet.
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Heh, my first real skin, private, so only screenshots Hope to be joining s2 in september btw ^_^
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LFS 2007-08-20 01-58-23-60.jpg
LFS 2007-08-20 01-59-04-79.jpg
LFS 2007-08-20 01-59-14-59.jpg
First holden skin, and finished
Hey guys, heres a skin i made, i made the base paint, and the lights. the one without the "dodo" on the side mirrors and "biante" on the side is mine (fudgedribble) whilst the one which did is my friends (smity7/DM_SMITH). i edited mine with some sponsors whilst my friend edited more then me. so the skin was originally made by fudgedribble and with permission edited by smity7/DM_SMITH and thanks a lot to DM_SMITH
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er.. you mean me dont you? i WAS the one who made the base.. (btw... [email protected])
REAL Rolling Stone NSX 2007. Part of a pack-nor elease yet.
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XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )