just wanna admit that i personally prefer to watch a replay before i give out a ban, if the racer does not obviously act against our simple rules by blocking the track more than once for example... but as i said, that´s something personal, not every admin acts the same way. we´re a gaming community, not a professional raceing league hoster or something like that (we just have the fastest Ky1/BF1 Hotlapper in our Team

). this is why also we may have lots of players unbanned as soon as they requested it in our forums (failure has not only evil sides, i often heared him say "no problem to get a second chance"). every case may turn out as something unique, especially as soon as the person joins the voice chat to get to know us better & sort things out. so .. if you´re desperate for OVALing on our server, willing to race fair, able to hold a straight line, not on a 56k-modem -based connection etc etc

i´d say it´s almost impossible to get banned (more then once :razz
and i guess those who enjoy our servers stay in close or at least periodic contact to the FM community anyway
cheers :leb: /me turns off LFS, good old Star Trek & cold beer are waiting