S1 license
(18 posts, started )
S1 license
Does and one have a voucher code for s1 or s2 liscence im new here and the demo is boring but it wont allow me to buy the s1 or s2 license
Quote from phillip :Does and one have a voucher code for s1 or s2 liscence im new here and the demo is boring but it wont allow me to buy the s1 or s2 license

"it"? "it" wont allow you? what do you mean?

if your really a cheapskate, keep your eyes on the forum, sometimes players get generous and give out licence vouchers.

i dont know how you find the demo boring, i was a demo player for about two years before i got my s2 licence the day s2 was released.
#3 - ZORER
Me thinks he means "parents".
Most other noobs at least included a "please" in the post.

Not that it would make it any better but its at least something.
#5 - garph
Quote from Damo74 :if your really a cheapskate, keep your eyes on the forum, sometimes players get generous and give out licence vouchers.

I can't see that happening anymore, not it public anyway. Ends up causing too many problems and other begging threads.
#6 - word.
Is everyone starting to get sick of these thread or what?
its just $58 is alot but someone out there might be generous and have a spare voucher and give one to me thats all anyway close this thread its not needed.
Would you rather pay $90-100 for any other PC racing game?
Trust me this game is worth it becuase it will never get boring. and if it does, a new patch will fix that..
Quote from Mustafur :Trust me this game is worth it becuase it will never get boring. and if it does, a new patch will fix that..

Change that avatar!
Quote from Lible :Change that avatar!

Whats wrong with his avatar?

Back topic -

Well, if I had been a millionar I would buy everyone that asked me on this forum with a "please" a S2 lisence.
Sadly.. I`m not a millionar, and secondly, no one seems to ask with a "please" today.
But as we have said many many times before, simply do some small jobs for your parrents, family or neightbours for one-two days, and you will have the money for the lisence on no time.
Quote from phillip :its just $58 is alot but someone out there might be generous and have a spare voucher and give one to me thats all anyway close this thread its not needed.

$48 isn't alot though... (S2 = $48)

so, buy it. =D

It is worth the money, and you can just DO things to get your 48 dollars together.
If you are bored of the Demo, LFS is not for you!!!
Most of us who bought LFS did so because we loved the demo and wanted more....not because we got bored with it.

Also, why do people think LFS can be gotten for free just by asking?
Try going to any other game forum (WoW for example) and beg someone to buy you the game. Let's see how fast you get removed from that forum.
Poor Racer
Well I am not gonna beg nor ask for a voucher. However I would like to know how to buy an S1 in US$ Too broke to pay $47.
I will say PLEASE thugh Cant wait to race a real person or 2. The AI ...oooh man forget about it.

I went to feelthere.com That site sux and it only offers S2. Mabe I should just spring 47 for the whole damn thing.... then again I should wait for S3?
Will I have to pay for all 3 licenses then. Hmmmmm. Decisions Decisions. See you at the race track soon.
you can still race real people in the demo, online in multiplayer mode you know.

And $50 is cheap for a game these days, let alone the best driving sim there is.

^^^I assume you bought it then, cause its showing that you have it?
Quote from The Very End :Whats wrong with his avatar?

It has a wrong aspect ratio and it's very low-quality (nothing to do about the second, but the first problem is repaiarable.
Quote from Lible :It has a wrong aspect ratio and it's very low-quality (nothing to do about the second, but the first problem is repaiarable.

To summarize: It's crap
Do what i did, get a small job. Ern enough for S2 in less than a week!

S1 license
(18 posts, started )