Kyoto National Anti Cutter's layout
I made this layout on Kyoto National because I saw too many people cutting across the sand traps through turn one, and even though it caused suspension damage, people would do it anyway. This layout is also hosted on my server, HCGC Racing Nations. Here are some screenshots for people too lazy to download and try the layout.

EDIT: Removed due to everyone complaining how much the layout sucks. Go ahead, let people cut the hell out of the track.
Ooooh, there go my FPS.
The idea is good, but I seriously hope the big servers won't use it, sorry.
Quote from Darkone55 :Ooooh, there go my FPS.
The idea is good, but I seriously hope the big servers won't use it, sorry.

Is there any way I can tune it down but the layout still be effective?
Also, how does the layout kill fps? Im not on such a good system myself.

Intel Core 2 Duo 1.6 Ghz
crappy notebook video card

EDIT: I have removed a lot of the tires from turns 1 and 2, but I left the long line of white tires in place for runoff purposes- if they aren't there, people can cut the track relatively unscathed. Niko, putting in marshalls wouldn't be fair for people running of due to a mistake in T1, but the barriers do pose a problem until Patch Y comes out (if a fix for that is included).
Good Way to crash your game:

Fly through the tires.
If all you guys are going to do is complain, im going to remove the layout.
#8 - DeKo
about 3 people complained and your taking it down? Your layout did suck a bit, but people telling you the problems could help you to improve it. If you dont want anybody to criticize your work, dont post it on the forums really.