The thing is, theres no way the Mods can PROVE someone IS cracking, unless the persons name is ON the car numberplate/skin, so alot of the people that have been banned for this have been banned unjustly. Of course if the guy says 'LOOK AT MY CRASH' hes a Demo racer, in a LX4 at ASTON, obviously hes cracking but i think the Mods and Devs, should think more clearly about it. Cracking only allows you to drive the cars, offline. If your banned crackers, that means in theory, your saying the cars are bad to drive, but once you have bought the game, thats it. Your saying, that a cracked game, makes it WORSE for people who are a current 'demo' user?
Of course its cheating the system, they don't get the Multiplayer, so what difference does it make, they are still missing out on all the REAL fun, theres no point being quick on Singleplayer, when you ram everyone in MP, so there is a big window for learning.
I wouldn't have an S2 licence if it wasn't for whoever made the crack, which for the record, says 'if you like the game, please buy it, the devs need your support' If i had only played the demo, i don't think i would have an S2 account right now, actually, thats kind of a lie, as someone gave me an S1 account, so i had a little Idea of what was to come.
Mods if there is any controversy in my post, please remove ie, other than banning me.