The online racing simulator
(69 posts, started )
Is there really any GOOD drifters in demo anymore? Like, a year ago there were alot of them, but now all the fast servers are full of noobs Can`t really train well anymore, having nothing new to try or anyone good to compete with. All the others spin all the time or don`t know how to slow the drift down and crashes in various places.

Sorry if this is dumb topic...

They probably bought S2.
Quote from Qvarnis :Is there really any GOOD drifters in demo anymore? Like, a year ago there were alot of them, but now all the fast servers are full of noobs Can`t really train well anymore, having nothing new to try or anyone good to compete with. All the others spin all the time or don`t know how to slow the drift down and crashes in various places.

Sorry if this is dumb topic...


Buy S2.
They buyed S2 and are bothering us at the moment.
All us fast drifters bought S2.. only a couple fast drifters r left and well they come on at late night when they r drunk >_>
Quote from kenyks324 :All us fast drifters bought S2.. only a couple fast drifters r left and well they come on at late night when they r drunk >_>

Wrong account sorry...
Quote from ans7812 :Buy S2.

Trying to get it all the time, parents don`t like sponsoring my racing games.

Guess I gotta quit playing for a while again, till I`ve gotten the license or till I just can`t keep my hands off from my wheel.

Quote from The Very End :They buyed S2 and are bothering us at the moment.

Sorry to hear that...
Quote from Qvarnis :Trying to get it all the time, parents don`t like sponsoring my racing games.

Guess I gotta quit playing for a while again, till I`ve gotten the license or till I just can`t keep my hands off from my wheel.

Sorry to hear that...

Was meant as a joke
Anyway, as people say, most of the fast and good people have bought S2 lisence because they couldn`t stand beeing wrekced over and over again on the demo servers.
Quote from The Very End :Was meant as a joke
Anyway, as people say, most of the fast and good people have bought S2 lisence because they couldn`t stand beeing wrekced over and over again on the demo servers.

Couldn`t keep my hands off from the wheel for long Friend asked me if I wanted to come speeddrifting with him, couldn`t resist. Found out that he and I are about the same good. Was so much fun to actually race around blackwood with him, didn`t last long till bunch of newbie drifters came to the server and blocked the roads totally. Even the admin didn`t care eventhough he was up there drifting too.

I need that damn S2 NOW If I had the money for it, I think it would go for a new wheel & pedals set My gas pedal doesn`t work correctly, feels like fuelcutting.
Quote from Qvarnis :Couldn`t keep my hands off from the wheel for long Friend asked me if I wanted to come speeddrifting with him, couldn`t resist. Found out that he and I are about the same good. Was so much fun to actually race around blackwood with him, didn`t last long till bunch of newbie drifters came to the server and blocked the roads totally. Even the admin didn`t care eventhough he was up there drifting too.

I need that damn S2 NOW If I had the money for it, I think it would go for a new wheel & pedals set My gas pedal doesn`t work correctly, feels like fuelcutting.

Cut grass for a week. You'll have plenty money
Quote from Qvarnis :Couldn`t keep my hands off from the wheel for long Friend asked me if I wanted to come speeddrifting with him, couldn`t resist. Found out that he and I are about the same good. Was so much fun to actually race around blackwood with him, didn`t last long till bunch of newbie drifters came to the server and blocked the roads totally. Even the admin didn`t care eventhough he was up there drifting too.

I need that damn S2 NOW If I had the money for it, I think it would go for a new wheel & pedals set My gas pedal doesn`t work correctly, feels like fuelcutting.

I broke my wheel before buying my S2 license. I had choice between a wheel or s2. Now i'm playing with mouse & pedals and it's prety nice. I just had to drive during one week to enjoy this new setup. After that: only fun & joy !! I never regretted this choice. Even if you must play with your keyboard, driving in S2 is miles away the demo server.

In conclusion: Buy S2 (but i think that you already know that )
one quick question, does the demo users can have avatar?
Quote from chanoman315 :one quick question, does the demo users can have avatar?

I had the avatar before the change that demo racers can`t use them, so as far as I don`t change it, I can keep it. And I think it`s cool, takes very little space out of lfs forum capacitety anyways, one of the last of the dieing breed. =p

Quote from shadow2kx :In conclusion: Buy S2 (but i think that you already know that )

Yeah, I think I`ll get the S2
#15 - wark
Quote from Qvarnis :I had the avatar before the change that demo racers can`t use them, so as far as I don`t change it, I can keep it. And I think it`s cool, takes very little space out of lfs forum capacitety anyways, one of the last of the dieing breed. =p

Yeah, I think I`ll get the S2

Not really cool cause all it says is you've had the demo without upgrading for quite some time (coming up on 2 years in fact).
Yeah but I got s2 Lol joking.

Actually DevilZ, Ozan, DoZe, and many others are good, in fact, get me at and we can drift together.

I play demo like every day, and a lot of my online friends do as well, so I'll be happy to be with you

S2 gets addictive though :|
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :Yeah I got s2
I play demo like every day

now that was a waste of 24 pounds

EDIT: post number 1000
im in the sadness ratings, ain't I?
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :Actually DevilZ, Ozan, DoZe, and many others are good, in fact, get me at and we can drift together.

I play demo like every day, and a lot of my online friends do as well, so I'll be happy to be with you

I`ll add you to msn (?) when I get home..

And yeah, I`ve been demo racer for 2 years, haven`t gotten enough money to buy S2 Always gotten stupid giftcards as b-day presents, and my parents don`t pay me anything for doing some work at home :/

Wishing to get S2 as birthday present this year, but my parents excuse was that kid my age don`t play computer racing games anymore -.-
Quote from Qvarnis :I had the avatar before the change that demo racers can`t use them, so as far as I don`t change it, I can keep it. And I think it`s cool, takes very little space out of lfs forum capacitety anyways, one of the last of the dieing breed.

Watch out, XC might take it away from you.
Quote from squidhead :now that was a waste of 24 pounds

EDIT: post number 1000
im in the sadness ratings, ain't I?

Well when I do go on s2, it's to be competitive, and unfortunately I cause a lot of crashes using vehicles other than the XRT since i am on keyboard.

But these days I am running low on time so I go on demo to have a quickie, right

Don't worry, I appreciate s2 a lot and wouldn't want to give it away
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :
Don't worry, I appreciate s2 a lot and wouldn't want to give it away


My internet broke down yesterday, so I wasn`t able to add you on msn... :/ Don`t know how long it`s broken down =/

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Watch out, XC might take it away from you.

He would`ve taken it already if he wanted.. I think, or atleast I hope
Well because I know a lot of good drifters on demo, I want to show you around. ^

But how are you contacting the forums?
I can drift Since in demo its either race or drift
What servers do you drift on ? I am usually at (twin masters - written in yellow) or [360] ...
I dont know. I ran it into 2,3 good ones... One turned out to be a neighbour by country..
I usually drift on T5, TM, or 360. I used to always drift on 360 when I was the leader but after I quit I am more balanced out now.

(69 posts, started )