The online racing simulator
Lfs lapper help (drift points)
Hi i need help how to get the drift points to work?
they should work by default
they dont ^^
ok got a copy of the .CFG file if so post it up here
yes please =)
no i need you 2 post a copy of your CFG file from lfslapper so i can see where the problem is...
oh ok =)
That one. sorry for double
Attached files
LFSlapper.txt - 23.4 KB - 2191 views
LOL. I hope you know you just posted your admin password with that config...
yeah that was for the test server.
im going to use a more secure pass than that ;P
BUMP! Need help today kinda ^^
Quote from SilverArrows77 :Well from looking at your config i would say this is your problem

DriftPBAction = /rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all
DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!

Im pretty sure you can only use one or the other, so put a # in front of one of the lines


DriftPBAction = /rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all
#DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!

But you can still have it do both things by setting one line like this i think

DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all

Hope that helps

why didnt i notice that
Quote from SilverArrows77 :Well from looking at your config i would say this is your problem

DriftPBAction = /rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all
DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!

Im pretty sure you can only use one or the other, so put a # in front of one of the lines


DriftPBAction = /rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all
#DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!

But you can still have it do both things by setting one line like this i think

DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all

Hope that helps

Sadly it didnt :S it wont work eek rly needs it thanks anyways. i guess im doomed.
Thx m8 i will try it out =)
Yep it worked =) thanks ALOT m8 =)
hi where do i copy everything to??? there is cfg folder and lfs lapper??? in there or in the other 1 which is in the bin folder??? plzz help im confused
Quote from VapourB.O.D :hi where do i copy everything to??? there is cfg folder and lfs lapper??? in there or in the other 1 which is in the bin folder??? plzz help im confused

Your config-file should go in the CFG-folder.
The batch-file to start Lapper is in the BIN-folder.
You can store your config-file somewhere else but then you need to alter the batch-file to point to the correct location for your config-file.
hey i have the same problem so ill post it here...if you can help me please...
everything is working fine only the drift points don't i tryed what you guys suggested earlier still it doesn't work here is the lapper cfg
Attached files
lapper text.txt - 40.3 KB - 708 views
Quote from mike1205 :hey i have the same problem so ill post it here...if you can help me please...
everything is working fine only the drift points don't i tryed what you guys suggested earlier still it doesn't work here is the lapper cfg

That's because you didn't remove /* and */ in the drift section. Further I noticed some line have been disabled by #
I corrected them and here's your driftcode but notice that some options are still disabled by /* at the start and */ at the end. To enable that event remove those excludes.

#Drifting options#
# This is the filepath for a file containing the collected data.
# This file will be created if it doesnt exist yet.
# You must ensure read/write access to this path.

$DriftDatabase = "./DriftPB.txt";

# Actions to do on new personal best drift lap.

Event DriftPBAction()
cmdLFS( "/rcm " . $Nickname . "^3 made new PB: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3pts!" );
cmdLFS( "/rcm_all" );

Event DriftPBAction()
cmdLFS( "/msg " . $Nickname . "^3 made new PB: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3pts!" );

# Actions to do to when total lap drift score is higher or equal to MinimumDriftScore.

Event DriftLapAction()
cmdLFS("/msg " . $Nickname . " ^3drifted to ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3pts" );

# Message to get on end of each drift.
# Possible variables to use:

Event OnDriftScore()
privMsg( "Score: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3" . $LastDriftScore );

$GoodDriftScore = 4000; # Value to be reached to execute action on good drift score

Event GoodDriftAction()
privMsg( $Nickname . " ^3made excellent drift: ^7" . $LastDriftScore ." ^3pts" );

$MinimumDriftScore = 10; # Minimum drift score required

# Actions to do at end of lap if MinimumDriftScore is not achieved.

Event DriftTooLowAction()
privMsg( $Nickname . "^3 disqualified" );
cmdLFS( "/spec " . $Nickname };

Thank you it works now i appreciate verry much your help
yea :)
That Helped me too thx but i have litle problem can someone make good settings to earn drift score cuz if i drive like normal i got allmost allthe time points like 1,1,2,1 ... Pls someone make some good drift settings.. xD


I dont now need the setups cuz i maked my own
My server was full yesterday xD and i think its gonna be more popular
drift lapper
i have problem with drift points do i did evrything like u did say in here but now it say syntax error my Drift option part is here
# Drifting options
# Actions to do on new personal best drift lap.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {DriftScore} - Drift score
# {Car} - Car used
# {SessLaps} - Number of laps on current car and track for session
# {Laps} - Number of Lap on current track and Car
# {TotalPitTime} - Total Time stop in pit place
DriftPBAction = /rcm {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!|/rcm_all
#DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!
# This is filepath of file containing collected data.
# Will be created if it doesnt exist yet.
# You must ensure read/write access to this path.
DriftDatabase = ./DriftPB.txt
# Actions to do to when total lap drift score is higher or equal to MinimumDriftScore.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {DriftScore} - Drift score
# {Car} - Car used
# {SessLaps} - Number of laps on current car and track for session
# {TotalPitTime} - Total Time stop in pit place
# {Laps} - Number of Lap on current track and Car
DriftLapAction = /msg {Nickname} ^3drifted to ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts
# Private message to get on end of each drift.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {DriftScore} - Total drift score
# {LastDriftScore} - Last drift score
# {Car} - Car used
# {SessLaps} - Number of laps on current car and track for session
# {Laps} - Number of Lap on current track and Car
# {TotalPitTime} - Total Time stop in pit place
PrivateMessageOnDriftScore = Score: ^7{DriftScore} ^3+{LastDriftScore}
# Action to execute on good drift score.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {LastDriftScore} - Last drift score
# {Car} - Car used
# {SessLaps} - Number of laps on current car and track for session
# {Laps} - Number of Lap on current track and Car
# {TotalPitTime} - Total Time stop in pit place
GoodDriftScore = 4000
GoodDriftAction = /msg {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts
# Minimum drift score required.
#MinimumDriftScore = 10
# Actions to do at end of lap if MinimumDriftScore is not achieved.
# If more actions, separate them with '|'.
# Possible variables to use:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver
# {Username} - Username of driver
# {DriftScore} - Drift score
# {Car} - Car used
# {SessLaps} - Number of laps on current car and track for session
# {Laps} - Number of Lap on current track and Car
# {TotalPitTime} - Total Time stop in pit place
#DriftTooLowAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 disqualified|/spectate {Nickname}
#DriftTooLowAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 is one lousy drifter ({DriftScore} pts)
# Minimum speed in km/h to maintain. Driving below that speed will reset score.
MinimumDriftSpeed = 50
MinimumDriftAngle = 15
MaximumDriftAngle = 100
Quote from amgdrift :hi!
i have problem with drift points do i did evrything like u did say in here but now it say syntax error my Drift option part is here

Yeah, you messed up the code big time.
All events are gone, lines havent " at the beginning and end
You're also missing ; everywhere.
Here's the corrected code:

$DriftDatabase = "./DriftPB.txt";

Event DriftPBAction()
cmdLFS( "/rcm " . $Nickname . "^3 made new PB: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3pts!" );
cmdLFS( "/rcm_all" );

Event DriftLapAction()
cmdLFS("/msg " . $Nickname . "^3 drifted to ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3pts" );

Event OnDriftScore()
privMsg( "Score: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3" . $LastDriftScore );

$GoodDriftScore = 4000;

Event GoodDriftAction()
cmdLFS("/msg " . $Nickname . "^3made excellent drift: ^7" . $LastDriftScore ." ^3pts" );

Event DriftTooLowAction()
cmdLFS("/msg ^1>>^7 " . $Username . "^1<<^7 Is a Slow Drifter" );

$MinimumDriftSpeed = 50;
$MinimumDriftAngle = 15;
$MaximumDriftAngle = 100;

Quote from krisis32 :my lapper dosnt count drift points

What version of Lapper are you using?


Just noticed that this whole topic is for older (version 5.7xx) version of Lapper - all changed in version 5.8xx.