#1 - sam93
Post HERE If the X-System is down
It seems that the x-system isnt running has it crashed or is the problem still happening what has been the problem for the last couple of days i think you said a admin is writing some code and its crashing is it down on any of the other servers because it is down on race1.

It crashed. I've not investigated, it happens sometimes but usually X-Monitor would catch it, it cant catch crashes at the moment though because i've disabled it until I get a chance to write a new and improved version of it (X-Monitor caused problems in its own right).

I'm very tied up on another project at the moment, but I am aware that it needs doing.
#3 - sam93
Ok sometimes it can be abit frustrating if you come 1st and the xsystem i down but you guys are doing a good job and i understand about the crash everything crashes.

hey becky´s issue-reaction time was just 12 minutes

i really wish my company-support would be that fast, my life would be hell lot easier
#5 - SamH
I've had some ideas and written/run some scripts this evening to purge the database of some specific characters in some fields that may or may not have been upsetting the X system software. It's just a case of waiting and seeing, now.
Quote from Becky Rose :It crashed. I've not investigated, it happens sometimes but usually X-Monitor would catch it, it cant catch crashes at the moment though because i've disabled it until I get a chance to write a new and improved version of it (X-Monitor caused problems in its own right).

I'm very tied up on another project at the moment, but I am aware that it needs doing.

I'll make a process_watcher if you want? With customisable process names? upto you!
Its still down - 4pm GMT...
'still'? That was the first I knew of it. Thank you for letting me know i've restarted the software.
Yup - it popped back up half way through a race - thanks!
And it's down again
Down again........ 18:08 GMT

(i want my points!! :P) hehehe
the system is down ... only let u know

[edit] ups post overlapping
#13 - SamH
Should be back up again (restarted 18:16 or so). Keep me posted.. Becky's gone out, so it's me with the big green button this evening
Sam the Bump and Jump server has crashed.
yep system out again 23:44 CET
sytem is down now
Hmmm, X-System doesnt crash that frequently usually, something is causing it.
X-system seems to be down on the Bump and Jump server again.
Down on race 1 as well.
And Race2
#21 - Jakg
Because a peice of Software running without it's crash detection program (ironically because it was causing more crashes!) fell over? t3h haxxz0rz!
Quote from Jakg :Because a peice of Software running without it's crash detection program (ironically because it was causing more crashes!) fell over? t3h haxxz0rz!

X-Monitor is back as of last night according to here.
All these crashes appear to be being caused by the actual dedicated host crashing, depending on the timing this usually causes X-System to bail out, although it sometimes catches it and crashes safely. I've improved the debugging of X-Monitor to try and catch what the error might be, and if that fails I will turn on full logging on the dedicated hosts.

I suspect we might be looking at an insim related bug here, as opposed to an X-System issue, but i'm not 100% sure yet.
I'm having crashing on my servers too Becky.
But, the insim does not crash out, its just the dedi host crashing out, with no errors. And it does not send a byebye message to the InSim app either.

I think I'm gonna turn logging on *nods*

** edit **
turned on the /log param. Any more that can be turned on Becky?
Yes you can do a shift-f8 type network diag thing too, i'm not 100% sure of the process - but Sam is.

I think you just press shift-f8 in the window.

I'm focusing on X-System debug first to be sure that's not the cause - although I suspect that the thing thats causing X-System to crash is sending a message to a server it has not yet detected no longer exists.