The online racing simulator
Quote from fudgedribble :Hey guys, heres a skin i made, i made the base paint, and the lights. the one without the "dodo" on the side mirrors and "biante" on the side is mine (fudgedribble) whilst the one which did is my friends (smity7/DM_SMITH). i edited mine with some sponsors whilst my friend edited more then me. so the skin was originally made by fudgedribble and with permission edited by smity7/DM_SMITH and thanks a lot to DM_SMITH

looks alright. it would look bettter with the copyright text on the black and the decals in higher resoultion
Quote from hf7713 :S15 and GTR for XRR

resize your sponser decals cause generally they are normally really small on the car rather then well gaint as you have them ( its possitive feedback... )
i made new skins.

lights & side grills are from somebody i can't remember.
exhaust from design dudes.


Made this skin for a friend.
Again lights & side grills are from somebody i can't remember.
exhaust from design dudes.
(Rendered by LineR32)

The Kei Office s15.
Preview: ... 20/keioff2so220xrtnv3.jpg
(Rendered by LineR32, he used other headlights but whatever )
Amzinig skins!
Just WOW falkentaka. Really nice.. They are public skins yes ? Really sexy skins, and nice renders.. Damn, still got alot to learn I guess..
yea they are public
Tried doing replicas. Here's the first one, for the XRR. taka-Q TOYOTA 88C. Free to use/edit, just don't remove the "created by" - text.

Below are the preview image and the 1024x1024 skin for LFSworld. The 2048 version can be found here.

To download the skin, click the smaller picture, right click the picture that opens up and select "save as...". Save to your LFS/data/skins folder.
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Nice Hyper

I was beginning to wonder if it would ever get finished
Quote from unseen :Nice Hyper

I was beginning to wonder if it would ever get finished

Oh damn! I forgot to mention it was your headlights on that skin Or they were first stolen by you or something

That skin has been ready for quite some time, I just didn't have time to finish it
Quote from Hyperactive :Oh damn! I forgot to mention it was your headlights on that skin Or they were first stolen by you or something

Nah, they ain`t mine. I just stole `em from Eric`s RA interior for my RA interior
my new Private police skin. based on TC skins.
I did NOT steal a TC skin. I made every thing from scratch. if a TC member wants to verify this then PM me.
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Burberry XRT Skin
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Quote from Toyo9J :Burberry XRT Skin

Moon Chavs,Chavs on the moon,int a Burerry spaceship,Chavs on the moon.....
Here's my first skin. It's just a scrapped XRT but hey, it's 2048 and it has a shadow layer!
Quote from Riders Motion :Here's my first skin. It's just a scrapped XRT but hey, it's 2048 and it has a shadow layer!

Nice for a skin made under paint
Might as well post it now... The Learner/n00b Drifter skin.

NOT uploaded to LFSW, incase of insults, or you get kicked by an admin if you join a pro drift server

Free and public to use, just don't edit it and stuff
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not bad dalek , put a black X over the front lights to prove its a noob drivers skin :P
Quote from shadow2kx :Nice for a skin made under paint

All made in Paint except for the black mask
Yep seems nice, can we have a more higer res of the preview? And yes, realsea it
XRG carrot flashpoint:
for XRG. fits XRT too.
Public and its on LFSWorld!
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Quote from Dalek0220 :Might as well post it now... The Learner/n00b Drifter skin.

NOT uploaded to LFSW, incase of insults, or you get kicked by an admin if you join a pro drift server

Free and public to use, just don't edit it and stuff

the yellow and black stripes make my eyes hurt
Aces High
I really like this one. I'll post the file if anyone is interested.
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Aces High.jpg
Quote from flymike91 :I really like this one. I'll post the file if anyone is interested.

looks cool.. i like it , need some more decals though... cant tell exactly but it just feels a bit plain imo... but then again it could just be me

good work anyways
Quote from flymike91 :I really like this one. I'll post the file if anyone is interested.

I really like it too, the spade on the hood has great detail.
I was thinking of writing "Aces High"on the side or having the main sponsor be bicycle playing cards. I'm on the wrong comp today to post the skin file but I'm guessing there's interest

XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )