Honestly, I've never heard racing sound so boring, they have no enthusiasm at all. The part where the one presenter blames online racing for the end of his first marriage is pretty funny, but it's the irony of it that made me laugh. He unintentionally deadpans it - like he's factually providing you with the precise moment his heart was torn in two, and tries to see the bright side by drawing the comparison of how successful his relationship with simracing has been since his wife left him!

I don't know if you've ever seen Rob Brydon in Marion & Geoff? It was like watching that.
Quote from PRMLSCRM :I agree! she male or may not intended to sound arrogant (as if what she has to say should dictate how a 3rd party videozine is run) but more to the point i liked the show, has accurate info, brought me many memories (i played all games featured).

"What we should be asking" i dunno and its not my business, but what i ask myself, is why do certain people try to talk for others and act as if they are royalty by editing other people posts.

Threatning users with fewer posts sounds bullyish and insecure which is exactly what a peaceful moderator shouldn't be. Much less when it's not his business and he makes it his own, by bruteforce.

Regarding accussing me of dictating how I think their show should run, I merely posed the question of whether us LFS'rs should get on board with supporting the project or not, I do not see how this is dictating anything to them - I merely posed the question to LFS users if we should get on board and support the project in some way, and to raise the question of how.

If you took that the wrong way, then I shall put it down to language barrier, i'm also letting the rest of your post ride on the premise of language barrier too - this is because i'm feeling exceptionally forgiving, all things considered.

Regarding editing of others posts, I dont have the power to do that outside of the CTRA section and in there I have only once edited a post, for the purposes of removing a spoiler regarding a CTRA production, aside from that i've never moderated at all.

At some point in your post you seem to seemlessly start talking about Sam after flaming me, you may benefit from the information that we are not the same person.

As for Sam's actions elsewhere, they were entirely justified.

It's clear to me that PRMLSCRM is an existing S2 user who's come back under a new name, he's very vocal, direct, and personal in the few posts he has made. What's the betting on Phlos or Kidcodea please, I may place a small wager ...
i watched the whole thing.. sorry now, 30 min i will never get back.. i mean the guys marriage fell apart because of sim racing? and if in 16 or so years u didnt make enough money to buy a N class car and race some events monthly.. u should really think again. and the "oh man, yea man feelz great man" comments.. omg. quit while ur ahead.
#30 - SamH
On the basis that the OP joined the forum, posted one post (this thread starter) minutes later and was never heard of again, I'm concluding that this thread is pure spam advertising. It doesn't even pretend to relate in any way to LFS, the thing being advertised is not relevent to our forum and following the strict rules of the LFS forum, it should be deleted rather than moved.

Off-Topic is my compromise.
Quote from Shaun - SRT :Since the release of the first show we have been in touch with LFS and are going to cover it equal to all sims. As mentioned in this very thread the LFS community is not as public as other sims. It will also require help from this group here. I didn't see a single post pointing us in any direction towards a league that we could cover. That would be very helpful. If you research the leagues that we did cover you will notice one thing in common. They are well organized league running somewhere between 25 and 35 drivers per week. I would love to know of some LFS league of that level.

The LOTA GTC has just started tonight and was great. It may be a league that might be worth being covered.
http://www.lfs-lota.net/index. ... lm_league;sa=series;id=20
that URL will give all the information about it, along with the replay of tonights race.
STCC, broadcast type league with roughly 100,000 viewers per round. This is sanctioned by the CTRA licensing system that currently has over 14,000 licenses issued and runs over 500 pickup races a day.

Quote from Shaun - SRT :Ah thank you too Viper. I'm checking them out now. That is exactly what I'm looking for.

Here is one question I have for this group. Do you think that the fact that people use name like "MFP_JoJo9" is detrimental to LFS?

I am much more accustomed to leagues that make you use real names.

Yes very much so IMO. If you want people to genuinly accept sim racing you will have to drop the online handles and use their real names.

Thanks Buddabing =)
Stacks of leagues to cover, BOTT (Battle of the teams) is a biggie that is starting this weekend, and MOE (Masters of Endurance) is just around the corner, and also my RSSC (Road Sport Summer Cup) is currently running with big grids and close racing.
Quote from Shaun - SRT :
Here is one question I have for this group. Do you think that the fact that people use name like "MFP_JoJo9" is detrimental to LFS?

In some ways yes, in some ways no. It depends on the nickname. Leetspeak nicknames look immature and come across as clannish and unwelcoming. This can be offputting to new players, doubly-so if they're older. On the other hand, nicknames allow players to signal membership of a group (much like Shaun - SRT does) which can help team cohesion.

The anonymity that comes with using a nickname allows some people to behave in ways that they wouldn't if they were using their real names. Yet, that same anonymity also allows people who aren't comfortable using their real names online, for whatever reason, join in the fun without having to worry about privacy issues.
#37 - Gunn
Quote from Shaun - SRT :And to the Moderator. If this thread has been moved for fear of it being spam, well we are here, and can you put it back.

If its moved because others have taken it way off topic, then can you delete the comments that do that and let us get back to discussion.

If you yourself feel that it is off topic then leave it here.


It won't be put back, it was posted in the wrong forum. This is where it should have been posted.
Quote from Becky Rose :Why do I get the fealing this was directed at Sam and I, and if my paranoia serves me correctly, why has the postee not realised I was trying to return the thread to topic?

I didn't intend to attack you or sam, but when there is a discussion about the status of LFS as a SIM, threads often go far OT and many fanboys start to spam. I tried to remeber that this is a thread about SRT. Sorry if i offended anyone

Are you going to produce the episodes regulary, like one time a month? Or is it too extensive to produce?
#40 - Jakg
Quote from Shaun - SRT :I am much more accustomed to leagues that make you use real names.

For most league you are told to use stuff like "UKCT J. Green" - the "UKCT" for me is my team name, followed by my real name
Quote from Shaun - SRT :To those who found the show boring, or as one person put it, I can never get that 30 minutes back. It was in no way our intention to waste anyones time, and if after being bored you choose to actually watch the 30 minutes I'm sorry for that.

Have you never found yourself transfixed to a TV show or a movie because you're curious to see how bad it gets? There were a few gems in there that for me made it worth watching, like the bitter-sweet divorce story. I think if you scripted that guy to apparently-unwittingly tell us all what a tragic life he's had in each broadcast, it could become a cult hit.

The part where we had the long build-up to him getting his first wheel, how it was something he'd longed for for years, and when it finally arrived he described it as "a piece a junk" was pretty good too. More material like that, please! But with more density - people won't wait that long for a laugh.

Quote from Shaun - SRT :Your feedback is much appreciated and we have thick skin so please be honest.

Honestly, I felt I made no connection with any of your presenters - that's my main criticism - so I found myself making up characters for them. The guy on the right sort-of reminded me of Kermit the frog; a timid, too-polite anchor man. I thought "Terry" was pretty funny when thought of as a passive-aggressive reviewer who - consequently - never really provides much in the way of a review.

If the pace had been better, I probably could've entertained myself for the whole show with ironic observations about the personal lives of the presenters, so that's my main suggestion - improve the pace.
best bit was hearing old teamie Wyatt Gooden dominating a series.
#43 - Jakg
How? It wasn't related to LFS, and was advertising something - it was allowed to be on the fourms, but theres no reason why it should be in the "LFS General Discussion" if it's not about LFS

Another fine display of trolling idiocy
PRMLSCRM - considering your main complaint about the moderators is that you protested when one of them removed a quote you included in one of your posts where you had typed your own words into that other persons statement, I dont think you have many grounds for complaint against moderators. In fact I am grateful that they kept you in check, and i'm glad that they upset you by removing your slander. If they had not, then we would have to question the validity of the moderators. They're doing a good job keeping you in check, now please stop spilling your idiocy over into other threads.

I say this on the basis that the OP has made a new thread and so this can merrily go off topic now.
Quote from Shaun - SRT :For the future. We intend to make the show more entertaining, cover more topics. Your feedback is much appreciated and we have thick skin so please be honest.

I couldn't help thinking that the whole show seemed amateurish and improvised rather than serious... It's nice to see a smiling face on the "telly" for once, but it was a bit too much (every time one handed over to the other), and as Kev pointed out, there was no pace... I found it monotone at times, don't be afraid to use more intonation... Some weird touching and stroking the shifter stick... Very american-styled show, which isn't a bad thing, I'd have just like it more if it had a more unique style... And my final beef: "The Beautiful People" for a racing show? Take Rammstein's "Benzin", much more fitting...
Quote from bbman :And my final beef: "The Beautiful People" for a racing show? Take Rammstein's "Benzin", much more fitting...

I could've sworn you were going to say "The Dope Show"
#47 - Nobo
Tbh its no masterpiece of television entertainment but does that really count to compare the FIRST episode with high budget real life programs with educated commentators? It wasnt to bad to be honest. A bit to much american style for my taste but you can see that the guys making the program are as addicted of sim racing as we are and trying to be a forum for simracing and thats pretty cool and thats what counts.
You could even say a lot of bad things about Mika's live coverages at www.game-tv.com but yeah in some way they are pretty cool and he is near the community, self a part, even if he tries to speak in english its not perfect but he still gets a lot of sympathism from my side. Becky's STCC broadcasts are really top notch but the format is a lot of different then that offered by SRT and i think a multi-topic, multi sim program is pretty hard to do (not putting down your work petty, your coverages were always just awesome and there is as well a hell lot of work in it) and they show their faces and not just lending their voice.
So keep on guys, maybe take something of the criticism mentioned here and go on with the style you think fits the best for you, the perfect cleanest program doesnt fit for all moderators! Would be looking forward to see something about LFS!
If you're not comparing yourself to something better than you, how can you strive to get any better?
Quote from Nobo :You could even say a lot of bad things about Mika's live coverages at www.game-tv.com but yeah in some way they are pretty cool and he is near the community, self a part, even if he tries to speak in english its not perfect but he still gets a lot of sympathism from my side.

His enthusiasm makes up for any limits in his English, I think he does a really good job over there.

Quote from Nobo :Becky's STCC broadcasts are really top notch

If it's possible to make the tools necessary (I suppose a facility to insert instant-replays, add overlays, some sort of director app., and the necessary server hardware) then IMO the single most valuable change they could make in the STCC broadcasts is to do them live. Yeah there'd be screw-ups occasionally and the people involved would inevitably embarrass themselves sometimes, but the excitement and anticipation would more than make up for any mistakes. Mistakes are interesting in their own right anyway.

I'm sure Becky would prefer to do it live too, and it's just not practical and/or affordable, but that's what I'd like to see.
We need to improve the pre and post show too, i'm not happy with them at the moment. Improving both ends of the show and going out live whilst raising or mainting production values is very difficult and expensive though, and could only really become possible with a TV deal or some other form of revenue generation. That's a topic for another day though.