MecaniK S2 - v0.5P
(494 posts, closed, started )
When it comes up with that error, click in one of the boxes, the weight box for example, and wait until you can click apply. Click apply and there you go.
Heehee. You can have some fun with this.

Nice one Fonnybone.

Mine's working at 0.5P with a Q-level LFS and the P files from Bob Smith up there

I've had a couple of error messages loading presets, but it does retrieve the values - you just need to twiddle a setting to enable the Apply button.
This may be a stupid question, but I'm not sure where to get the version 0.5P from, i can only get 0.5P2 or higher and ergo i can't get this to work.
anyone know the specs of a recent formula 1 car? i'm trying to give the FV8 the specs of a formula 1 car... i've given it a 700hp 3l v10 engine sofar.
Quote from Gabkicks :anyone know the specs of a recent formula 1 car? i'm trying to give the FV8 the specs of a formula 1 car... i've given it a 700hp 3l v10 engine sofar.

The revs on this one should at least be pretty close. It also has 900 HP.
I really never managed to get the FO8 over 500 km/t ..

But here is a video of the FXR (i think) doing 720 km/t - after that, LFS resets the car

If someone has managed to get past these 720 kmt please let me know - im dying to see


Woops, forgot link: ... t__2005-12-16_718+kmt.avi
It's not possible. LFS has a limit of 720 kmh. I believe the reasoning was that, above that speed, as you approach the speed of sound, the aerodynamics get... complicated.
Quote from Forbin :It's not possible. LFS has a limit of 720 kmh. I believe the reasoning was that, above that speed, as you approach the speed of sound, the aerodynamics get... complicated.

I think you're quite right
But its fun .. Hell it is .. Sound great when the turbo hits 1.6 and the speed suddently gets fast
I thought, that hotlaps made with mechanick are not valid....
Today I tried it and starngely my *.spr was valid :/ Then i triet to upload it just to see the replay beeing rejected, but... it wasn't!
Now i'm first in KY GP Long with XRG and really shouldn't be there: so that spr must be deleted (just don't know what to do - I don't want to be banned, damned, cursed, hated for that... it wasn't intentional)

PS: if it really wasn't meant in mechanick to produce valid hotlaps then I have found a bug which, if used properly (for slight power plus - not for vette c6 engine ) could be used by real cheaters

SO FIX THAT! (and once again sorry for such unfortunate first appearance in this forum :...)
Just go into your hotlaps list(Racer details tab in hotlaps window)

And select del for that illegal lap
thought id try and get mecanik working again, and i got it working thats for sure, 195 mph down blackwood straight sure is good

does any one have any good presets for different cars to try?
Tnx, never needed that so didn't know how to delete my soul is clean... =)

But that is dangerous bug in mechanick which should be fixed eitherway(IMO)
whoops, dint see the other thread sorry
Just wanted to say excellent mod and my best 1/4mile top speed was a bit over 700kph it's so sweet. (hitting the wall not at the 1/4 mile mark.)
Iam using P02 with a patched exe and a patched abc but how on earth can I get P05 working..? I always get a message saying one required file is missing
Quote from MrNase :Iam using P02 with a patched exe and a patched abc but how on earth can I get P05 working..? I always get a message saying one required file is missing

That is the same case as me I also would like to know.
Quote from MrNase :Iam using P02 with a patched exe and a patched abc but how on earth can I get P05 working..? I always get a message saying one required file is missing

Quote from shakenbake :That is the same case as me I also would like to know.

Hi guys .. Here it is, step by step:
Download this file: (Right Click and choose Save Destination To, er something like that)
Rename the file to msstdfmt.dll (just remove the .txt at the end)
Copy the file to your system32 folder in your systemdir (Click on Start -> Run -> write: %systemroot% and press enter - on my computer the complete path is C:\WINNT\system32\)
Go to Start -> Run -> Write: regsvr32 msstdfmt.dll and press enter.
If there comes an error, please report ind here

Your application should work now
I'll include this file in the next update package. I don't think i'll be
releasing anything this year though. Lots of stuff to do and people to see.
Quote from MarioX :I thought, that hotlaps made with mechanick are not valid....
Today I tried it and starngely my *.spr was valid :/ Then i triet to upload it just to see the replay beeing rejected, but... it wasn't!
Now i'm first in KY GP Long with XRG and really shouldn't be there: so that spr must be deleted (just don't know what to do - I don't want to be banned, damned, cursed, hated for that... it wasn't intentional)

PS: if it really wasn't meant in mechanick to produce valid hotlaps then I have found a bug which, if used properly (for slight power plus - not for vette c6 engine ) could be used by real cheaters

SO FIX THAT! (and once again sorry for such unfortunate first appearance in this forum :...)

Yes, this has been reported a few weeks after MecaniK was released.
It IS unfortunate, and i AM working on fixing this, hence why there is
no recent updates for the recent LFS 0.5Q patch. Honestly, i released
MecaniK to fill in the waiting time for the next 'big' update, i never
expected it to be so popular in SUCH a short amount of time (surpassing
every LFSTweak up to date). I felt really bad about the HotLap exploit,
it was NOT intentional at all and had i known, i would never have released
an app capable of such things. The online charts will eventually be
updated (next physics patch probably) so until then, this exploit is still
out there although there isn't much at stakes except some name and time
on some web site, but to some that is important. Removing the illegal
HotLap is expected from all of you, else it can be viewed as intentional
'cheating' and you can be subject to sanctions, ultimately, banning.
so, Im sorry but there is no Mechanik for the Q patch yet?
No there isn't, sorry. I have to buy presents for christmas and schedule
where i'll be and when and with whom....ahhhh the joy of christmas.

Early January is always dead so i expect to have much more free time
to work on this and other projects. I believe Scawen also mentionned
he's off until January.
Quote from Alpegnuen :Hi guys .. Here it is, step by step:
Download this file: (Right Click and choose Save Destination To, er something like that)
Rename the file to msstdfmt.dll (just remove the .txt at the end)
Copy the file to your system32 folder in your systemdir (Click on Start -> Run -> write: %systemroot% and press enter - on my computer the complete path is C:\WINNT\system32\)
Go to Start -> Run -> Write: regsvr32 msstdfmt.dll and press enter.
If there comes an error, please report ind here

Your application should work now

Working fine here, thanks!!
The demo isn't that big, is it? Or are you using a CRACK version:detective
LOL, I just went 412kmh/256MPh. AMAZING!!! I couldve gone faster with less wheelspin!
This thread is closed

MecaniK S2 - v0.5P
(494 posts, closed, started )