I remember the first STCC broadcast, it sucked. It improved a lot in the 7 episodes to have aired, but still isnt TV quality. Quality takes time to achieve, understanding new processes, fealing comfortable with a camera/microphone, it's a huge learning curve. Good luck with it.
I'm glad this topic has normalized a bit as i wanted to post yesterday, but don't like threads full of fighting piranha's.
Disregarding the american/commercial style and what seems like plugging of products that help provide u with the funding u need. (my excuses if this isn't the case) I thought the idea of a general simracingshow was ok.
It would look a whole lot better in my opinion if u can remove/minimize some of the awkward looks into the camera's (maybe some pro's at the TV-station where u are recording can help u there) and don't read press releases word for word. (if u have to just remove a word and use something similar or describe it, u will know which word i mean :P)
Better description's then simply saying "it's awesome" ; "yea its really good" will help too.
Sam's post was a bit more aggressive then it should(could?) have been. But he simply saw your post as a "commercial" venture funded by competitors of LFS who were trying to advocate their own product(s).
But since u seem to want to cover all of simracing, even if u give products provide funding more airtime, i'm sure everyone will be open to it..as has already been shown.
Good luck with the show, and I'm looking forward to whatever coverage LFS gets.
For a first attempt I rekon that was pretty damn good, I've seen worse motorsport shows on Sky Sports, and with worse graphics. LFS is a hard community to crack, its worth taking the time to learn the ins and outs. I just wish people would stop comparing LFS to sims like Rfactor and GTR, those are finished products, LFS is still Alpha...and its already 10 times better.
Hey Shaun
Posting in the General LFS Discussion is fine, for posts relating to LFS. Your new thread, which pertains directly to LFS, is perfectly placed in General LFS Discussion.
Sorry you found out, so abruptly, how we meticulously and aggressively shift threads around, on here but when you get to know us, I hope you'll find that the atmosphere on this forum is really good, we do pull together very well as a crowd, and the member content itself isn't too heavily moderated by the moderators, despite our super-human clicky powers and rather icky lilac-coloured uniforms.
So you know, everyone's forum username is directly linked to their LFS username. Forum members with "Demo Racer" under their username are using the demo version of LFS. Other than that, you should see either "S1 Licenced" or "S2 Licenced". Each of these licences costs £12 (approx US$24 at today's unfortunate exchange rate). To see what content each of those licences have access to, have a look here: Cars | Tracks. That's the LFS Wiki, and it's essential reading for anyone wanting to learn about the LFS racing environment.
Could, definitely.. should, possibly The thread did survive, despite its pro-competitor and lack of LFS-ness, and it didn't end up in the bin, so I'm voting for "could" rather than "should"