The online racing simulator
Kyoto National - FXR
(6 posts, started )
Kyoto National - FXR

i have a race on that combo in 2 weeks else. But i dont have a set for the Race. My Qually Set works good but it dont work for Race..

can someone help me?

My english is not so perfekt sry about that but you are my last chance!

thanks for the answer. I will test it. i hope it works
Attached is the setup I used for the most recent LOTA race, sadly it got cut short by me flipping in T1 due to a lag crash, but the setup is capable of fast times, and lasts about 20 laps or so per run.
Attached files
FXO GTR_KY2_LOTAr1.set - 132 B - 994 views
Here is my ky2 race set. It's a bit of a handful with cold tires, but once they warm up it should settle in nicely.
Attached files
FXO GTR_ky2 - r2.set - 132 B - 935 views
Wow! Thank you very much guys. I will test the Settings today. I was a little bit tyred from the work but now its Weekend!

Thanks a lot!

Kyoto National - FXR
(6 posts, started )