The online racing simulator
I want to say sorry to Clement ! Sorry man, i wanted to let you pass me, but i screwed up Hope it didn't distract you that much . I hope the next race will be better for me.
Great racing, guys - congrats to the podium takers.. A job well done

I missed the broadcast last night. Was too wasted and needed some proper sleep. Did anyone happen to save it.. perhaps? :P
I was going to, watch the broadcast on my other machine (while driving), but had too much on my mind to start it, instead I had 300 on the other machine. Good movie that is.
Well after being pushed off from my excelent 16 th place to 29 i was so anggry that i was pushing on the edge of rules. I finished 15 but some people could get really angry with my aggresive driving. Like the guy in xfg i was fighting for few laps - he's horning was a stress.

Edit i was a substitute for PnG.
#30 - Jay
first of all thanks for the gratulations

i think this has been a good event, after it started finally ;-)

i profited from sebastians bad start and after getting a comfortable gap it has been a fast cruising. i´ve heard in ts about great battles everywhere and i was a a bit envious but decided to stay where i was

after the race i discovered that my taped chair (i did it b4 the race because i had not much trust in this crooked pisa building) would have died immediataly. 5 more laps and sebastian inheritated the lead easily
Quote from kamo2000 :but some people could get really angry with my aggresive driving.

And the XFG that you spun at the end of lap 3.


But I flipped anyway in lap 13.
Anyone got Division 3 replay?

Adding up points now.
I have but where can i upload it?
#37 - arco
Quote from kamo2000 :Well after being pushed off from my excelent 16 th place to 29 i was so anggry that i was pushing on the edge of rules. I finished 15 but some people could get really angry with my aggresive driving. Like the guy in xfg i was fighting for few laps - he's horning was a stress.

Edit i was a substitute for PnG.

It wasn`t mee, I was the next XFG after him. Here is his name (2F2F) GOTCHA. He was a very fair and clean racer, but you blocked him m8.

Look at your driving. You blocked him and that is against the rules. One move is ok. Here is the rules:

"Driver may change there race line to defend, once then return to race line. Continuous line changing is not allowed when defending"

Thats why he honked. Look at your replay and see that you blocked numerous times down the backstraight. I saw every move you made..
Substitutes from other teams shouldnt be allowed IMO. It kills the spirit of the whole league
Quote from BurnOut69 :Substitutes from other teams shouldnt be allowed IMO. It kills the spirit of the whole league

(jasonmatthews) DELETED by jasonmatthews
As i said i was driving in aggresive manner coz i was pissed with the turn 2 when someone shoot me down - i was ready to do anything (except crashing anyone) to recover my place - i know the rule but the situation got over me - i don't have anything to defend me here and if it's necessary You guys can cancel my run and remove me from the standings.
Quote from kamo2000 :As i said i was driving in aggresive manner coz i was pissed with the turn 2 when someone shoot me down - i was ready to do anything (except crashing anyone) to recover my place - i know the rule but the situation got over me - i don't have anything to defend me here and if it's necessary You guys can cancel my run and remove me from the standings.

BAD ATTITUDE!!! Grow up man...
If anybody hit you.. race on and make a complaint after the race...

Could we please remove a driver with that attitude? Whats next? Him hitting me because he got angry??..
Of course you don't know how bad day i had that day but that doesn't matter at all now. Just assume i'm stupid and ignorant - one bad race in 3 years and now i'm the worst racer here

thank you very much.
Quote from BurnOut69 :Substitutes from other teams shouldnt be allowed IMO. It kills the spirit of the whole league

Kills the concept as well.
Quote from kamo2000 :Of course you don't know how bad day i had that day .

Thought about not racing when a bad day can turn out in that way?

And it was you who began questioning the guy behind you, because he honked at you. I just explained why he did it, because you didn`t know why he did it. He did it because you got pissed and drove aggressive and violated the rules.. you won by doing it, he lost because you did it. He was faster than you at that time. So yes you was the bad guy, no matter if you has done that for the first time in 3 years....

End of story for me..
Cool with me . You can call me stupid whenever you meet me on the server. Thank you.
A team mate of mine SERT•Shole has driven the fastest lap on second server together with ASR Seldon 1:34:50, so I am wondering who is going to get +2 points for the fastest lap???

#48 - Kaw
Quote from Milanche :Hi,
A team mate of mine SERT•Shole has driven the fastest lap on second server together with ASR Seldon 1:34:50, so I am wondering who is going to get +2 points for the fastest lap???


I think its the one that did it first.
Quote from Kaw :I think its the one that did it first.

Ya, thats usually the way to do it - to credit the driver who did it first.

Same would be true if they both did same lap times, but for pole - the driver who did the time would sit on pole.
Quote from Milanche :Hi,
A team mate of mine SERT•Shole has driven the fastest lap on second server together with ASR Seldon 1:34:50, so I am wondering who is going to get +2 points for the fastest lap???


The fastest lap and pole points are awarded to the fastest driver over the three servers combined, i.e. Biohazard in both cases. Getting the fastest lap on just one server doesn't award any points, and rightly so in my opinion.