+1 for seatbelts in the game -1For making jokes about not wearing a seatbelt, two of my friends died from an idiot driver, and not wearing seatbelts.
Yes it's right i'd rather prefere to provide cheap but immediatly aviable solutions wich are still good. One thing is shure, this idea will not be on the top priority list and may never be aviable (mostly like the other request) ... If you have better idea I'm listening
These "bubble gum fixes" are ok for me, but it sounds odd that one wouldn't even want (or flags this improvement as not good by -1) modeled, or available for all out of the box -seatbelts, considering that we may have just recently passed the halfway on the timeline to LFS S3 final and lots of the graphical details are likely going to improve.
Not sure if this is true or not, But I heard that in places like Saudi Arabia and such they don't even fit seatbelts into the cars because they believe 'Allah' will see it fit when their time is due. Like I said I'm not sure if its true, But I wouldn't be surprised if it were.
The law that forces to use seatbelt was passed in Saudi Arabia 7 years ago, and has increased the using rate quite a lot. Based on what we've all seen and read from the Internet, traffic attitude in general seems to be quite a big problem, maybe traffic education and enlightenment just doesn't meet the requirements, as the traffic coulture and car base has grown faster than anywere else.