The online racing simulator
OMG, I can't believe this!, Parents without credit card? thats very strange, never seen that. Also the whole point about currency and paying too much for a game, spoken of the 'cheap' dutch... i can't stand this. Don't you have a friend who has got a credit card? i got loads of em who are willing to pay in advance. I did not have any credit card either, and i also got the game. In this case my nephew payed in advance. Whats the problem at all? Why making such a hassle about the way you need to pay. If you are not willing to find a solution at ALL and are just bugging us with your silly complaints i don't understand your point anymore. It's all common sense br0. Just find a good chap who wants to buy this game for you. I personally think you making the 'parents have no CC' up, it ought to do something with paying over the internet 'which is soooo scary'... uhum... But what pisses me off is you neglect every suggestion posted. So what's your goal now anyway...
If you want something that bad you will get it no matter or what. That's what you need to do. things around you are not gonna change in favor of you by complaining on a forum.

Btw, i also did pay 35 euro's almost two years ago.
The only dollar worth anything, is the Canadian dollar. Euros and £ are worth something too, but the USD is worthless.
Quote from BruTaLysT :<a long rant>

Look at his status, he's S2 licensed so he bought the game somehow, it seems. No need to keep going on about this