The online racing simulator
GFC Looking for new blood
(32 posts, started )
Didn't anyone watch this replay? Watching .define.'s race would be very useful for many people to see what it takes to be a top class LFS racer. The guy makes no mistakes for 75 laps yet still with incredible pace!!

btw - there are still 10 slots left for the upcoming race at South City Long Reverse on 26th August.

EDIT: Actually only 5 grid slots left. Sorry
Quote from Hollywood :I believe the point was that if other LFS leagues have to play-by-the-rules as far as posting league event information, promotions, etc. in the league section, then all leagues should have to do it too. Doesn't really matter if its GFC, CTRA, LOTA, OLFSL, BOTT, etc.

It doesn't really bother me if the odd league advert is placed in general discussion so long as it's a thread that offers something interesting for everyone and each league only has one thread at a time, there's a lot of far more pointless threads the general discussion forum.
As a current member of the GFC in a FOX and doing quite nicely in the league I'd encourage newbies who are after good, clean racing to apply.

I started the GFC with very little LFS experience and have hugely improved over the past few months learning new tracks and racing with very experienced guys.

Pure speed isn't that crucial if you race consistently and fairly.

I'm not the only slower runner who's doing well either - there's several of us.
I drove my first GFC race last weekend. It rocked, it made me more clean and quicker already.

If you want to become more consistent , cleaner or just want to have fun I tell you join the GFC!

GFC Looking for new blood
(32 posts, started )