They don't have to be intelligent, they only have to look good (posting at work so the wife won't see this. Note to self, don't open this thread at home.... hehehe)
They showed Ditzy Chick here in the news some hours ago and they also showed some others.
The funniest was (to bad I can't find a vid):
A Miss Somewhere was asked what she eats.
She: I'm vegetarian
Reporter: So you don't eat meat
She: No, I can't eat cows or animals when I looked into his eyes
Reporter: What do you eat instead
She: Chicken
Reporter: But chicken is ehhm
She: Yes chicken is a bird and a cow is an animal
Reporter: hmm ehhh ...
Yesterday there was a little "news" about this at
Had a good laugh... Sounds like Paris...
As the saying goes in germany: " Dumm f*ckt gut"
Well, I guess she had to get the "save the world and help everyone happy happy" part to her answer, but the question was wrong. Got to wonder how stupid some people are.