Just out of curiousity,
does anyone know if or heard rumours that there is going to be rain in future versions of LFS? it would be awesome, although im guessing hard to make work in the game.
and also, i doubt it, but it would be awesome if in future versions you could select a full track area to free roam in where all the sections are open and you can just race around wherever you want. its just iv found some corners that would be wicked and challanging but because no track combination allows the good entry and exit for it i cant have a go.
if you have any info so i can stop wishing and start waiting would be great
does anyone know if or heard rumours that there is going to be rain in future versions of LFS? it would be awesome, although im guessing hard to make work in the game.
and also, i doubt it, but it would be awesome if in future versions you could select a full track area to free roam in where all the sections are open and you can just race around wherever you want. its just iv found some corners that would be wicked and challanging but because no track combination allows the good entry and exit for it i cant have a go.
if you have any info so i can stop wishing and start waiting would be great
