This is pretty funny like such as the video of The kevomkenzie and The Tristan. Oh and who can't forget videos like such as me eating a Jaffa Cake. Those really taste like such as good.
LOL again, I was just talking to Niki about that today, as I remembered it as him that took the spill. He reminded me that it wasn't him, but that he made some of the humourous pics
Tristan eating the Jaffas could be sold to make money... Especially since his mum calls him for dinner!
Reminds of when they showed on a German TV-Channel about the Miss Germany Contest where the women had to show how Germany was split up. So funny
Hot like hell but dumb as...don't know something to compare
Sorry for the non German speaking people here. I can´t find a Version with Subtitles. But even if you don´t understand it and know how Germany looks at least the Interview with the 2nd Girl could be funny. She has to paint on the map where East (O) and West (W) is
The last one managed to paint Poland inside of Germany... maybe she lives in the wrong century
My favourite (which I can't find. Grr!) was an old clip of a reporter out in a public park collecting vox pops for a piece on green issues. He approaches one guy sunbathing and says "If I told you there was a hole in the ozone layer, would you know what I was talking about?" and the guy replies "Well, yes actually, I'm a particle physicist".