#1 - Cawwa
Preliminary Schedule Season 2
For the next season we have decided to run on another day. This is be course we want to follow the tracks for the MoE races. The Saturday before this league would have been perfect to run the LFS LeMans League. Unfortunately another big league runs these Saturdays, Battle Of The Teams, BOTT.
As we see it it's a good idea to run on the Wednesday bore the MoE league. Sundays seem to be a bad day to squeze in another legue.
That gives the regular MoE drivers a chance to get a good practice run and others a good opportunity to test endurance racing for a single car without being engaged in a team.

Starting procedure all races.
Qualify start: 7 pm UTC (20.00 CET (CEST)), 30 min
Laps: Around 1,5 hour. Last race of the season around 2 hour

September 26: Kyoto GP Long, 45 laps
October 24: South City Long, 60 laps
November 21: Westhill, 60 laps
January 16: Aston GP, 35 laps
February 27: Blackwood GP, 80 laps
April 2: Kyoto National, 75 laps (around 2h race time)
Too bad, I was really hoping the day would be kept.. but the reasons for the day change are completely understandable, and nonsense change it because of me :P

I wish you guys a great season
#3 - Cawwa
Yea agree Souza, we are going to miss some drivers be course of this ... ... sorry for that
Sorry for being out of the know, but could you list the Starting Times, and Race Distances?
Yes, the starting times+laps would really be helpfull
#6 - Cawwa
Thx for your remarks guys ... ... I've updated the first post.
I am right confused by this as CET seems to be GMT+1 but just looked it up and converted GMT to CET and it says CET is GMT+2 but I think that is summer time being factored in.

Hmm so just checking - CET = GMT/UTC+1, so racing for GMT/UTC is 19:00. Good time, not too early and yet not too late
Dammit, thats a bit to late for me =(

Well all other drivers good luck!
#9 - xenoa
Sounds nice warmup for MoE...u can count me in
I want to be united to the league… where I do it?
Can we have the number of laps for each track, I assume the laps are based off the GT1 class car lap times? It isn't difficult to work out but the definative number of laps would be nice
Quote from Greboth :Can we have the number of laps for each track, I assume the laps are based off the GT1 class car lap times? It isn't difficult to work out but the definative number of laps would be nice

Thx for pointing this out. I should have done that earlier ...

The first post is updated.
In HL Racing we have numbers in skins of each pilot, is this a problem? We must use some different numeration within the league?
some image that is due to add to skin?

PD: My English is poor, I hope know to excuse to me.
At this point it doesn't matter, you can have what ever skin you need. Of course I will not tolerate any skins that others might take offense from, but otherwise you are free to use what ever skin you want.
Quote from Cawwa :Starting procedure all races.
20.00 CET (CEST)

As it is schedule CET equivalent to GTM?
It's GTM +1:00?
Can you confirm this to me?

In Argentina the schedule is GTM -3:00
CE(S)T is GMT+1

But we can use UTC which never change acording to day lighting saving.

Start time: 18.00 UTC
Thanks, now I can calculate the schedule correctly.
hehe I know the time we start now, 19:00 current time

What time will the server be put up?
Quote from Xaid0n :
What time will the server be put up?

I turned 18 laps in the server yesterday, and now is online

Practice server:
LFS LeMans League
Password: endu1
im on the server now, anyone coming?
Quote from Cawwa :CE(S)T is GMT+1

But we can use UTC which never change acording to day lighting saving.

Start time: 18.00 UTC

UTC and GMT are the same time so CET is GMT+2.

For those who use daylight saving time e.g. UK where British Summer Time (BST) is GMT + 1 so it is then CET is BST+1. Follow that

I would agree though better to use UTC as the UTC time is displayed in LFS itself so it is easy for everyone to work out.

So as it is 18:00 UTC/GMT and we are currently BST (or GMT +1) it will be 19:00 BST.
So, CET = GTM +1

Is this true?

I need confirm this.

Usually handling schedule GTM
I do not want to arrive behind schedule at my first race
Quote from HL_Nano :So, CET = GTM +1

Is this true?

I need confirm this.

Usually handling schedule GTM
I do not want to arrive behind schedule at my first race

Just turn up @ 7:45pm at your Current timezone. I'll be turning up at 6:45 my time zone (BST = GMT+1 - CET = GMT+2)
Quote from HL_Nano :So, CET = GTM +1

Is this true?

I need confirm this.

Usually handling schedule GTM
I do not want to arrive behind schedule at my first race

No, CET is GMT+2.

UTC and GMT are the same so - Start time is 18:00 UTC/GMT.
(zeugnimod) DELETED by zeugnimod