The online racing simulator
#1 - Kdovi
Not kicking for "idiot"?
Is it a feature or bug? I found this word very annoying and some "racers" uses it very often and for no reason.
The system kicks for swear words. I wouldn't say "idiot" is a swear word. It's insulting, yes, but the system filters swear words, not insults I admit some people use it often or too easily, but don't let it bother you.
Personally I think "idiot" should be added to the banned list.

It is used often.
Quote from nigelpm :Personally I think "idiot" should be added to the banned list.

It is used often.

#5 - Dru
i think it depends upon whether the use of it is correctly used
"Lawl! I'm such an idiot!"


*gets spun out*

"You idiot! Go die!"

*Doesn't get kicked*

Because of the different contexts, I say -1.
Well, how many perfectly legitimate words do you want censored in your "pollitically correct" world If someone is driving like an idiot I would like to reserve the right to call them an idiot or should I just retort "You foolish person"

No doubt someone would take offence to the word "foolish" though "person" would be deemed non-sexist. Agh, where does it all end? Just stick to the swear filter and steer well clear of this clap-trap.
Quote from Swiss_Tony :Just stick to the swear filter and steer well clear of this clap-trap.

Well said that man.

If i am unable to swear at someone (and quite rightly so) then i wish to reserve my right to call a person that's driving like an idiot an idiot.

(Though i do enjoy throwing the odd Finnish swear word at them as the swear filter is not that good yet. I make sure there are no Finns on the server first mind you I don't wish to cause offence)
#10 - SamH
The swear filter, recently renamed the abuse filter by me and Becky, isn't actually intended to catch and kick every person who swears. What it's really intended to do is curtail some of the out-and-out abusive tirades that people occasionally get into.

What I have done, and will continue to do, is - if I catch someone deliberately circumventing the filter, in order to hurl some attrocious language - I'll hand out short-term (2 day) bans purely on the basis that it's clear and deliberate disregard for the rules we've set out. Getting caught by a swear filter may result in a kick, but pre-meditated circumvention can result in a suspension.

Just cos I'm mean.
Hey Sam... how many languages does X system have? because I said something to my mate and It kicked me out , something in spanish.
And I get kicked on a daily basis it seems by calling myself a points whore...
#13 - Jakg
Quote from dawesdust_12 :And I get kicked on a daily basis it seems by calling myself a points whore...

Same, "hey, thanks for the racing, bye, i'm off to forum whore!"

It then kindly removes me from the server - now if only it would open the Forum...
The real purpose of the swear filter is not to kick all abusive players for every nasty word they say, it is just to be there.

We can all get around it fairly easily, although our filter has been coded to avoid the scun-thorpe problem, it's main purpose is just to exist.

The fact that we have a swear filter says abusive language is not allowed, it's a reminder. If I see people launching into tirades I often warn them but some times some people can be so disruptive and effect so many people it is actually worth a ban. I try to avoid it because there's too much paper work, but the problem is the whole gamer 'f u' attitude effects so many people negatively and as soon as people are upset they start driving worse and all sorts.
#15 - Nobo
There was a funny thin 1 or 2 day ago. There was one player who said "Hello" to every single player by a bind. For example: "Hello FPR|ALDI#13"
Then a player with the name "f**k" joined the server, he used his bind not knowing there was the auto kick "Hello F**k" and he was gone after 2/3 of the race. The whole server was laughing

got funnier when he came back and said "whats going on here? Is a server admin here?..." and so on.
Just a side note to this filter, think about what will happen if you take to much words.
yep, that was hilarious Was in stitches
I think people who change their username into a foul word should be auto kicked anyway, I have seen a fair bit of circumventing the filter Ill be sure and save the replay next time Sam

Quote from SamH :What I have done, and will continue to do, is - if I catch someone deliberately circumventing the filter, in order to hurl some attrocious language -

Hmm, i guess swearing in Finnish is deliberately circumventing the filter.
I'll behave myself then. I only used my favourite Finnish swear word as i knew it wouldn't cause any offence to anyone else, as they didn't have a clue what i was saying.

I'll stick to idiot from now on, and ONLY if the circumstances really deserve it. Promise
How about just not acting like you are in a playground full stop?
#20 - SamH
hehe! Don't sweat it, Moosey! I'm looking for the ones who launch torrents of abuse, in plain English, often in capital letters.. but using periods and apostrophes in carefully chosen places, in order to circumvent the abuse filter. They know exactly what they're doing, and enough planning has gone into it that I can consider it pre-meditated, and thus not even heat-of-the-moment. Then they're toast for a few days.
Quote from Becky Rose :How about just not acting like you are in a playground full stop?

I wasn't aware that i did
#22 - CSU1
[my opinion]36 my arse, I've seen the way you talk to forum members around here, these past few months your attitude stinks, you seem like a different person. try be less abusive too people around you mate. and don't even ask me to point out where you have a bad attitude and go looking for your posts because I couldn't be arsed Moose, you/your attitude has changed for the worse.[/my opinion]
Quote from CSU1 : you/your attitude has changed for the worse.

Well of course your entitled to your opinion. Quite frankly I'm not fussed what you think, It's not a popularity contest.

I disagree that my attitude has changed in any way though. I'm just me, I'll always talk to people the way i do. Sometimes i can be very blunt and I'll say things how i see them. i don't see that as a negative thing. I call a spade a spade. If i think someone's a complete tit then that's how i treat them.

A sarcastic and dry sense of humour doesn't always come across as it should on a forum either, but hey, i have plenty of friends here and in the game, and i have a laugh with my team-mates.
I wont loose any sleep over the fact that you don't like me.
Don't worry Stuart - lots of people think the same about me (probably you too). But as you say we're just blunt and to the point, and our senses of humour don't always come across. Some people are so determined to be 'nice' to everyone (in a PC sort of way) that they forget to be themselves, and that's just annoying.
Quote from tristancliffe :Don't worry Stuart - lots of people think the same about me (probably you too).

Hehe, I'm not worried I seem to get on pretty damn well with nearly everyone I've come into contact with in my life, both in the sim racing world and the real world.
The fact that a few people might not like the way i talk, or don't like my 'attitude', doesn't bother me in the slightest. That's life. I have bigger, more important thing's to worry about.

Whilst i don't think we'd ever be best buddies, I like the fact that you are just being yourself and not sucking up to people for the sake of it. I don't agree with a lot of stuff you say, but at least you are being honest with yourself. That's all good in my book.