The online racing simulator
Join euro-r race team!!!
(29 posts, started )
#26 - Jakg
Quote from DANDAMAN05 :It is correct Jakg.. but..

"This team has only just been created, but I have high expectations for the team,"

Would be better as...

"This team has only just been created and I have high expectations for it"

Too many commas, and used the phrase "the team" twice in the same sentance... My version sounds much better

I prefer my version, adds a sense of "reassurance" to the team, almost like it's contravening your rational thought

BS Talk FTW!
my pb is wrong now ive beaten it
Quote from harjun

what im part ov euro-r and ive beaten my pb on oval and its same on website lol

Join euro-r race team!!!
(29 posts, started )