Wow, Dethred, i can understand how you may feel persecuted (spelling..)
after all those posts, but you must admit that most of your post are
negative to begin with. As we say, you see 'the glass half empty' while
most here are trying to tell you, 'the glass is half full', it's also on it's way
being full ! How many games are full of bugs, get a patch or two, then
they come up with a new version or 'mod' that you have to BUY leaving
the old version for dead ? How many games did you play that aren't as
'fun' as announced ? The main argument here is staying power. LFS lasts.
I see many things to fix myself, but after trying an older version not
long ago, i realised how much the new physics IS an improvement !
Man, how many games do you play that update the physics constantly !?
Ok i probably should have pressed back here, but sometimes i just can't
help myself. People agree with what you say, just not how you say it.
You are the one thinking others are blind or some sort of autobots
brainwashed by SEV. I appreciate what they've given me. There are SOOO
many things that are a waste of 40$, LFS just isn't one of them imo, sorry.
LFS by itself IS free, it's the added content that is not