Uh wasn't the original posts on this thread about some dude's review?
I don't get to be online much at 8:00-9:00 EST. That's when my kids are on.
but When I do get on in the evening here, about 11:00-12:00 EST, it
is pretty much a ghost town on the servers. When you filter the thing to show
only occupied servers, there's maybe 8-10 at the most. Most of the time it's more like 5 or 6. Like I said in the post that got locked, that's not the fault of LFS. People in America just don't get off to racing. But there's still a hard core group of us

I just got through playing on a GURU server for LX-4s before
coming here and adding to this thread.
You know Dethred, you point out all the flaws in this game. That's fine. We all knew about them beforehand. And they're going to be fixed eventually.
So I'm sort a confused as to why it's gotten to you so badly. you really shouldn't let this crap get to you. I also honestly don't see where you've been ripped off or scammed by buying the license to S-2 and only getting the Alpha.... LOL that's what they said they were gonna put out before they released it. I'll admit, I didn't think the A.I. was going to be THAT damn stupid, but I'll also admit I didn't really fool with single player for about two weeks after I got S-2. I didn't get S-2 for single player games.
That's what I got a Playstation for. I also just don't see where the physics bugs are keeping you from playing. TBH, I'd a never known there were any
if nobody said anything. And those issues still don't affect anything for me.
My only real complaint about LFS is getting a leg cramp from long races on Aston Cadet But that's cool. I think the clock more than makes up for that.
@ Richard trowler: THat's another thing you failed to mention in your review. How many other racing games or sims or whatever have real time clocks in the dash? That device has come in handy for me way way more than the clear windows ever will
Oh well I guess you can't please everyone.