Well i have a dualcore AMD opteron 175, but also there you have the same problem. The second core is hardly used during LFS. I use the dual core optimizer from AMD but it doesnt help that much.
Nice guide, thanks!
However, as soon as I turn of ANY type of AA and/or AF (tried all supported modes) my fps drops from around 50-60 to 15-25, so I'm not using it. Those ingame settings seem to work nicely here, though. Thanks again!
...? From what i remember back when i had my SLi cards (6600GT's, the reason i wouldn't touch SLi with a barge pole!) the only thing you could do is try an "SLi AA Mode", but i don't really know what it does and it seemed to have a mega impact on FPS for me.
EDIT - PS, it's Jakg, standing for JackGreen.
EDIT 2 - Niels, the dual core optimizer manages thread balancing, it won't make LFS run on 2 cores. I wish it would, then my Quad really would pwn
Many many thanks for the nice and simple guide Jakg!I many times change the settings just to see which the best choise was!I am a graphics noob so I had to mess with everything over and over again so that i could distinguish the differences(some none visible by me though!:shrug.My game changed a lot looking more real now!I use Elektrik's textures and Darkone's reflections,and other that cant remember now.
Was wondering the same, there are not any textures for SO as far as I know :/
There only are some signs and such, but no road textures for SO, could someone make?
Well the SLI AA mode is set to max like everything is set to max now. It runs when starts is at 40 - 50 FPS and during the race it stays at 130 -150 fps. I dont have any weird in things in screen what so ever.
Due to the SLI aa you have a little drop of FPS but it seems to me LFS is really CPU dependable. Because it still runs with the same FPS as before i used your great guide. So LFS must be CPU depended.
Hmm I think my pic don't look that good like others here!
But why? Something I do wrong?
AA: 8xS
AF: 16x
negative LOD-Bias: clamp
textur filtering: high quality
transparency AA: multisampling
It certainly doesn't look like you have 16xAF on. I'm not convinced you have any AF on at all.
Either that or your LOD settings are wrong as the textures look very fuzzy indeed apart from very close to the front of the image.
I used to have a profil for lfs with 4xAA and 8xAF with my 6600gt 1024x768 Desktop and ingame resolution.
This profile isnt working since i changed my desktop resolution to 1280x960.
i have no AA and AF in lfs. When i set AA and AF in my global settings it works fine in lfs.
I tried to make a new profile with this nHancer tool but it didnt work too!
Transparency AA is for textures that have an alpha channel. Actual objects use the AA settings alone. Supersampling Transparency AA shouldn't affect 3D objects at all in LFS, but Multisampling Transparency AA should. LFS has no gain with supersampling as far as I can see. It should be for textures with an alpha channel, like the fences, and grilles (like on the LX). The limitation is LFS I think. Because the textures are such low res to begin with, and the alpha channels are not smooth at all, like with the LX grille.
Not sure if those buildings have a weird texture for the windows, it looks like they do. But all I know is, I don't see any improvement from Multisampling to Supersampling.
Great idea, and I just tryed all. Looks great, if you open LFS just to get some views. For racing ? Standing still gave me 7 fps with my GeForce 6600 LE, racing I ended up with 3 fps
Back to everything on medium and there are the 80 fps popping up again, oef.
I see a major improvement in supersampling versus multisampling, actually. In the attached pictures you can see it very well on the balcony railings to the right and on the power line between the two buildings. It's even worse in movement because of the shimmering effect.
Jakg- nice guide I vote to sticky in beginners section
I've done some textures for SO (visible in the screenshot in Jakg's first post), but some of them are pretty poor quality. Since Eric's been redoing SO I've stopped work on it.
Hmm. I just checked LFS Database, and the SO .zip isn't there anymore. I can re-upload the files if anyone wants to muck around with those textures.
Other recommendations... - I'd say anything by unseen, Justins' high res tyres, Don's skies and the great high-res suits by Tonix. I also use Electric Wolfs' Real Reflection mod, but there are other nice alternatives by Yamakawa and Darkone as well which may better suit people's tastes. I don't think I use any other graphical mods.
In the ATI/CCC section- I'd suggest going with 4X temporal AA over 6X normal AA. There will likely be a performance as well as an image quality increase (as 4x temporal AA in theory should look more like 8X normal AA), though you need to enable vsync in order for this to work AFAIK
Hm, after some more testing ... these (ingame) settings sure make :lfs: look better, but they also turn it into a slideshow with a full grid (on my pc, that is). Oh well, guess I'll be better off going back to the default settings.
The program doesn't work here :S When i start it after installation it says some error that was made in the instalation. Is this maybe because i use vista?