Renault World Series
(66 posts, started )
Yeah, when they almost raced each other into the wall was spectacular to watch, and really well controlled.
I went both days too. The World Series race on Saturday was the highlight for me, I just really enjoyed that race.

I got sixth place on the crappy fastlap challenge, running F12002!

And damn it was hot on Sunday.
I was there for the weekend, I'll upload some pictures later

P.S. I did a 1:29.2 on the Michelin driving thing but I don't know where I came
I went aswell...

Loved it.

F1 car was brilliant, The megane race on Sunday was the best from me.

I liked the world series cars were good aswell...what a noise.

I was stood by Starkeys bridge. anyone near me?

I got some pics, I'll upload them when I can be bothered.

I heard the commentator say there was someone from Eurosport there, anyone know if it was shown on Eurosport live?
Starkey's Bridge... was that just after the old hairpin? I was by the old hairpin pretty much all day Sunday
Yea, thats right.

Brilliant place to stand, because you can see the cars coming down the hill, nearly all collide at the old hairpin, then up the hill into McLeans corner.

Did you see the orange Megane run wide at the old hairpin, then nearly get rammed in the back...Heart was in my mouth. and what was wrong with the green megane trailing right at the back going really slowly that everyone sarcasticly clapped at the end :S Did you see the clio get a whack from behind, I didnt see it happen, but I saw the car in the pits afterwards.

Sorry about all the questions...I just read it back to myself illepall
A thouroughly enjoyable weekend that! On the Saturday I was sat near Starkey's bridge, up on the hill, and on the Sunday I was right at the front next to Foggy's. Some fantastic action to be had on both days, saw a lot of people go off at the Old Hairpin, especially the Meganes and the Formula Renault cars. I think the spot that I was at on Sunday was better though, saw a lot of overtaking, especially in the Clio Cup race. That battle was fantastic!

The F1 car was brilliant, but I wish that a couple of things would have happened. First, I wish the bloody commentator wouldn't have said "Johnathon Cochet!" about 10,000 times, and I also wish the car was completely floored, which I have the feeling it wasn't.

PS: Did anyone else get into an argument about whether the Formula Renault cars look like FOX's? I did with SamH, and came to the conclusion that they're remarkably similar, but not exactly alike. The World Series cars are definitely F08's though, pretty much the same power, but they only have 6 cylinders.
Formula Renaults are pretty much FOXs power-wise, same with the WSBR and the FO8 but there's lots of differences in the body.

@Niall - Yeah, I saw the Megane nearly get whacked, I wasn't so sure 3 cars would fit where he/she was sat :schwitzid you see the WSBR car go flying into the tyres? (I think it was a Red Bull one)

P.S. I'm downloading pictures now, I'll crop a few and upload them soon
Quote :
Did you see the WSBR car go flying into the tyres?

I did see it, I'm sure it was the Red Bull one.

Those Red Bull cars gave me a semi, brilliant looking cars imo
Oh, I forgot to mention the fact I was very disappointed by the two "simulation" stands. To see such a nice rig as the Michelin one get wasted running F1 2002 is a shock. And the food prices too! £1.50 for a 500ml bottle of coke! Should have taken a supply with me
I know! And £2.00 for a single cone of ice cream without a flake illepall

F1 2002 physics are crap, you could go round most corners just by jumping on the kerb and flooring it.

Did you go on the moving sim? It leaned the wrong way

P.S. pics coming soon! I'm cropping them now.

EDIT: Pics Most of them aren't very good quality, well the un-editted ones on my computer aren't. PM me if you would like these
Attached images
And a couple more
Attached images
That plane was huge!

everyone took their eyes off the racing to watch the massive plane fly over lol.

Food was very expensive!
2 quid for a portion of chips...I think not.

Mind you, the pork roll things were 5 quid a shout illepall Someone made a lot of money out of the weekend
I was surprised when the 747 flew over, then that big massive thing comes lumbering across the sky (my face - :really

If I'd payed for the tickets then I'd moan about the food prices but I didn't so it was probably still cheaper than going somewhere you had to buy a ticket for.

It's weird to think that next year I could be racing at that meeting, I won't be (got nowhere near enough money) but it's still weird I'm hoping for FR2.0 by the time I'm 25
Well if you do.

I'll sponsor and would like something to do with your team

Bagsy something to do in Dannys team
Quote from Leifde :Starkey's Bridge... was that just after the old hairpin? I was by the old hairpin pretty much all day Sunday

In which case i probably walked past you, i was right next to the spark plug thing.

Few attatchments of some pics i took, and a link to an F1 launch i caught on video on Saturday.
Attached images
Did anyone else see that guy that kinda looked like Scawen?
What does scawen look like
Quote :I was surprised when the 747 flew over

The plane on the first plane-pic wasnt a 747 but a Antonow.
Quote from Hoellsen :The plane on the first plane-pic wasnt a 747 but a Antonow.

Sorry, I guess I didn't explain myself, a 747 flew over early and I was surprised at that, then I was really surprised when the Antonow flew over
There were a couple of 747's that came over, I think there was one on each day. To see 747's going into such a small airport was a bit of a shock...I thought the place couldn't deal with them, but it ends up it can (well I didn't see any fireball)

I didn't see any Scawen lookalikes there...there might have been one, but not where I was on either day. Not that I was looking, I was too fixated with the racing
#47 - SamH
I missed the 747 on the second day (though god knows how), but I got a picture or two of the Antonow. Of course, being a bit stupid, I thought it was a C-17 or something like that

I put up the rest of the crops that I didn't think came out too bad, on our UKCT drunken fart page. The other UKCTers who had cameras with them will probably be adding to the album in the next day or two, as well.
Anyone else going this year? It's on next weekend (8th - 9th September 2007) - which strikes me as odd as it clashes with the F1 in Italy?! :-/

We are going on the Sunday anyway as it should be a good day out for us.

Going for the weekend again, should be good.
I think several of the UKCT lot are going, so just look for the drunken idiots to find them...

(Sam, your secret is out now! The whole drunken moderating thing... )

Renault World Series
(66 posts, started )