The online racing simulator
Hurricane Dean
(86 posts, started )
#76 - SamH
As mentioned in the other thread, these issues are going to be addressed in Phase 2. That's not due out for a while yet, but since the high winds situation doesn't happen very often (10 days since Hurricane Dean at Westhill until yesterday), it's not really a very pressing problem after all.

Phase 2 will come, and so will attention to this detail
Sounds cool - keep up the good work!
Quote from -xdream- :What I mean is something like this:
if (wind == high) { laptimetogetpoints = laprecord/100*80 }
if (wind == medium) { laptimetogetpoints = laprecord/100*85 }
if (wind == low) { laptimetogetpoints = laprecord/100*90 }
else { laptimetogetpoints = laprecord/100*95 }

I can see a problem with making it easier to get points when high winds are on though. High winds are mostly only a problem for people that don't know a car/ track combo well So perhaps having high wind on the beggining level sever isnt a great idea.

I dont know most car track combos all that well. BL1/XFG on the other hand I know very well and after the first lap of getting the feel of the wind you can actually go faster than normal in some sectors but slower in others so the overall resulting time normally isn't too far off your non-wind lap times (i.e. within 0.5sec) and on some occassions can even better your lap times
It's mostly about adapting to the wind, winds isn't hard to drive it, it's just learning how to drive in it.
have you all seen those STCC videos available for download at ?

correct me if I'm wrong but those races are all held with high wind and even on treacherous bits like the south city classic chicane, no one seemed to be letting up much.

if our goal as CTRA drivers is to someday take part in races of that caliber, we need to be able to handle whatever gets thrown at us.
Wind in STCC can indeed be high, it varies and can change during the course of the event. Most races are held without wind, the first the drivers know is in the drivers briefing a few minutes for the qualifying starts, then as each heat (and ultimately the broadcasted feature race) starts wind is subject to change again.
Why does everyone complain about the wind?
It should be high at all times

It makes the races more interesting, and that is positive.
I don't even notice the wind, I find myself doing worse if I actively look for the flags to see which way the wind is going, and I actually find that some tracks are difficult to find a flag to determine the wind at.
Just look at the speed instead, compare where you usually upshift/downshift and see on speeds. If you notice that your car accelerate faster on a straight than usually, prepare to brake earlier to mange the upcoming corner. If you just are carefully the wind itself is no problem.
#85 - FL!P
The problem that most people are complaining about is not the difficulty to drive with high winds, but the difficulty to score points. I've been in some races (on SS1) where no one got any point because even without crashing, the wind can take several seconds out of your lap time.
The truth of the matter is that hardly anyone likes wind. Certainly, when I'm on a server the majority hate the wind and given half a chance will end the race if the wind is too high. I think this is one of those situations where people defend it on the forum but loathe it online. Why not do a pole? Problem is I'm sure it will become one of those LX4/LX6 type poles where everyone declares undying love for it but won't touch it with a barge pole online.

Hurricane Dean
(86 posts, started )