The online racing simulator
BTCC style racing anyone?
(27 posts, started )
BTCC style racing anyone?
For those of you that do not know BTCC (British Touring Car Championship) please see the following websites (can there be that many ppl that dont know it?) youll get the idea.

I've noticed after watching some BTCC racing quite closely that they race nothing like how we race in LFS. They are far more aggressive and make their passes mostly with contact! There is a lot more blocking in BTCC (Jason Plato is an expert), and it all makes it damn fun to watch.

We seem to pussy foot around in LFS and call it "courtesy" - why? In LFS we have nothing to lose, these guys in BTCC have a lot of money and metal to burn... mind you they have alot more to win so maybe thats the answer...?

Would any BTCC fans be interested in having a server with BTCC in the title to suggest this type of racing? Its not recking, but that will happen obviously if there is a lot of contact. Maybe its a silly idea, but just sometimes when racing, I see a very small gap, that if I were racing in BTCC I would probably go for, however in LFS I think "ah better not, CRC etc".....

answers on a post card!
Quote from ButterTyres :

We seem to pussy foot around in LFS and call it "courtesy" - why? In LFS we have nothing to lose, these guys in BTCC have a lot of money and metal to burn... mind you they have alot more to win so maybe thats the answer...?

It's the "nothing to lose" part that worries me. There is already a lot of this mentality amongst LFS racers which often results in unneccessary crashing etc. When added with lag high contact racing doesn't seem a very valid option to me.

Maybe worth a go trying a server though to see how well it works.
I have to admit, if you've driven against people like this in S1, and preS1 days (apologies if you have) you'd understand why we dont and how frustrating it is to never finish a race.
contact + internet = car in orbit

need to run it on lan if you want contact
aye right enough, forgot about the laggy bouncing... ah well... LANs it is then!

Mind you with NTL testing 10Meg internet out things might get there in the end
It can only come down to personal opinions.

Mine is mine alone, so no need to flame, but I don't see slaming into another car in order to make a pass all the interesting. Most anyone could do that ( although some could be better at it).

I'm much more intrigued by someone using skill and split second reactions to move by another car WITHOUT taking either one out of the race. To me that's always been, and always will be, the soul of racing.

Besides, I thought that's what Banger Racing was all about ?
Granted, it's a fun release, but I don't want to do it day in and day out.
#7 - JJ72
Fun if the room is totally lag free.

If there's some tiny lag, see you in the international space station.

When I play with my local group of players we have quite some brutal moves as well, nobody bothers and it's another kind of fun,and of course we can race cleanly.
I really like racing with a fair bit of GENTLE contact. Light nudging that doesn't bump people off the track is a lot of fun, but it actually requires a hell of a lot of racing courtesy, driving skill and you still have the issue of lag bounce. Pity really. Smacking people in the rear quarter to turn them around because you can't overtake any other way is pathetic though.
Quote from Resound :Pity really. Smacking people in the rear quarter to turn them around because you can't overtake any other way is pathetic though.

You're right, but that's somthing else than door-to-door racing (what topic started meant by BTCC style I think). Furthermore the only fond memory I have of my NFS days (yeah, yeah, don't laugh ) is slamming into someone sideways in the last hairpin to take the race. Ah well...

All this aside, i do agree that CRC style racing is the way to go in LFS, even if there hadn't been lag. Then again, there is also nothing wrong with a specific server where people can go if they don't agree with this, is there?
Sorry OT
Resound ..that avatar is soooo COOOL
#11 - mr_x
BTCC rules, for years it has been my favourite motorsport, far far better that formula one with its following people around fairly boring if you ask me... i do drive "BTCC style" if theres a gap ill most likely take a chance, if it closes down i back out of it. sometimes make contact when i make the move, but its completely side to side and usually cos the guy im tryin to overtake didnt see me and i was at the apex first, but "Runnin's Racing" as the saying goes

infact i remember doing something like that, i got to the corner first inside someone, he clearly didnt see me drove into the side of my car and spun himself, voted to ban me from the server, i didnt cos other people saw the move was clean and he was at fault, but still he said it was my fault, i have the mpr as proof that it wasnt my fault (i think anyway)

i also occasionly get a nurf up the back of the car cos im slow out of a corner, or i hit the brakes too early (rarely, i usually hit them late as possible) sometimes spin because of the contact, i dont complain, my mistake really, usually put down to a racing incident, but i dont understand these LFS racers who vote to ban u instantly even after the slightest, barely noticable contact, even if you are the victim of it

basicly yeah i would like to see more of racing where people take the chance to overtake even if there is a slightest gap, or defend as if their life depended on it. not driving like they do in Formula one and just follow *yawns* im not saying that its everyone, some of my best races have come from a close intense battle with someone where contact has been made, and we both (or all) agree that it was a great race at the end. ive never seen anyone go flying off into the air when contact has been made because of lag, didnt know that happened

/me ends long post


EDIT: i am NOT a wrecker, i take first corners carefully, and i only try overtaking moves if it looks possible and the gap is there i can get into and out of the corner first
#12 - Nard
Although I'm a fan of Banger Racing and the brutal "I'm taking you out just for the heck of it" mentality, when I actually race, I'm in the F0X, so there's no room at all for contact. K2's OWRL server sees intense battles as everyone's starting to get their hands on very good sets and sharpen their skill to really great levels. But the real challenge is to be able to pass the people in tight curves without spinning yourself out of the race.

I feel that making contact casual isn't all that great on the long run cause more people will tend to use it when they shouldn't. (personal opinion)
Quote from mr_x :BTCC rules, for years it has been my favourite motorsport, far far better that formula one with its following people around fairly boring if you ask me... i do drive "BTCC style" if theres a gap ill most likely take a chance, if it closes down i back out of it. sometimes make contact when i make the move, but its completely side to side and usually cos the guy im tryin to overtake didnt see me and i was at the apex first, but "Runnin's Racing" as the saying goes

Someone who SPEAKS my language!!!!!
I reckon if there was someone out there who could create a BTCC server, it would be packed.!!!

Lets hope it happens!
#14 - mr_x
Quote from mrfell :Someone who SPEAKS my language!!!!!
I reckon if there was someone out there who could create a BTCC server, it would be packed.!!!

Lets hope it happens!

small world

i might be able to host a BTCC server for more aggressive racing from tomorrow for a week, just depends on how many players can be held on 256k upload (2.2meg down) on a non-dx server (if there is such thing, i think there is) (damn BT not allowing anymore upload speed for the whole of the UK!!) all depends on how well my sisters computer holds out - Duron 800, 256mb RAM, GeForce 4 mx440

ill give it a go, and if the pings are too high then it obviously wont be possible for me to do it i will also be hosting a teamspeak server through it too, but that doesnt take up much bandwidth despite what people say
its a pity we don't have the old volvo t5 estate to race around, or the cossie........!
#16 - mr_x
i missed those years, only followed since 1997 as im only 17 now, got the 1996 review in the post a few weeks ago... what an awsome season!!! but i'd say last year was just as good

maybe the server should be set for the road type cars only... FXO etc, maybe UF GTR cos then it isnt too fast that everyone takes everyone out, and i think the grip levels would be similar to normal BTCC cars and AS cadet sounds good aswell id say

so BTCC syle server, contact but not full take everyone out type contact (watch the BTCC you will know what i mean ), the slightly less powerful cars, use the twistier and narrower circuits (AS Cadet etc) and generaly have fun and dont get annoyed at people...
a server like that would be awsome if there is enough interest showin ill set one up tomorrow, as a test type thing, not guarenteeing that it will stay up, depends on what the ping is like for people, if it does get unstable AND there is interest in it would there be anyone else willing to try and host one?? could be great fun

/me goes creating some BTCC skins

The best bit about the early days of BTCC was that there wasn't any aerodynamic alterations, they were exactly the same looking body as the road going cars, no silly wings/splitters etc, it made the racing very close!!

Jeez i'm getting old.
ButterTyres, Good observation about BTCC, however there are some reasons for that i doubt on this possibility.

First, BTCC is a closed community, all the racers are professionals there, they know their limits, they better than we can predict others and can feel responsibility. All together this makes them do these maneouvers safely. LFS is an opened community, so racing clean of contacts is the only way to divide fair fight and wrecking. Also, as mentioned above, lags, that cause "explosions", are an issue.
All fair comments I think. Might only be worth doing on LAN or same-country Internet Private server. Lots of people who dont know what the BTCC tag means will complain about some contact, and others will take it too far when they find out what its trying to do.

I think this discussion will help me now when racing, especially when stuck behind someone looking for gaps.
#20 - mr_x
Quote from mr_x :
/me goes creating some BTCC skins

click here
Quote from ButterTyres :All fair comments I think. Might only be worth doing on LAN or same-country Internet Private server. Lots of people who dont know what the BTCC tag means will complain about some contact, and others will take it too far when they find out what its trying to do.

I think this discussion will help me now when racing, especially when stuck behind someone looking for gaps.

check this link

this would give everyone the chance to understand what this server would be all about!
#22 - mr_x
Quote from Unclefloug :
OT: mr_x love the vectra skin, but im a clealand fan so is there anychance of a number 1 on the side of that car

I'll see what i can do, i have a number template that has a 4 in it, if you notice from all my cars with the autotrader number they are all number 4 lol, just a case of finding the font from 96 and changing the number, will do it sometimes soon

edit: had nothing to do so here it is done
edit2: now done an FXR version complete with scotish flags on the windscreen strip
Attached images
I was at Mondello and it was brilliant. Saw Plato get Platoed

However, if we have cars flying with people avoiding contact, i dont think it would work were contact allowed.


Quote from ButterTyres :For those of you that do not know BTCC (British Touring Car Championship) please see the following websites (can there be that many ppl that dont know it?) youll get the idea.

I've noticed after watching some BTCC racing quite closely that they race nothing like how we race in LFS. They are far more aggressive and make their passes mostly with contact! There is a lot more blocking in BTCC (Jason Plato is an expert), and it all makes it damn fun to watch.

We seem to pussy foot around in LFS and call it "courtesy" - why? In LFS we have nothing to lose, these guys in BTCC have a lot of money and metal to burn... mind you they have alot more to win so maybe thats the answer...?

Would any BTCC fans be interested in having a server with BTCC in the title to suggest this type of racing? Its not recking, but that will happen obviously if there is a lot of contact. Maybe its a silly idea, but just sometimes when racing, I see a very small gap, that if I were racing in BTCC I would probably go for, however in LFS I think "ah better not, CRC etc".....

answers on a post card!

On a LAN it still won't be perfect, since even in single player small knocks against walls and various autocross items can send you flying. We need force absorbtion!
#25 - mr_x
well if anyone wants to have a test of it i am currently hosting a server called 'BTCC STYLE SERVER' aparently the ping isnt too bad from it, its on a dedecated computer else where on my house LAN, not hosted on my gaming machine set it to AS Cadet as that seems to be a more BTCC type circuit

BTCC style racing anyone?
(27 posts, started )