The online racing simulator
I need some contact info, TEAM ORANGE!
Hi, i need some contact info from any member in the drift team "Team Orange"

Kenric, or anyone.

The Mirc channel would be great. Thanks!
Yeah, well as i suspected those guys wouldent help me as always.
Easy killer....I replied 3 minutes after you posted your topic. Maybe those guys haven't even seen this thread. work is done here. KTHXBYE
Quote from SteffenM2 :Yeah, well as i suspected those guys wouldent help me as always.

its alright, just try on another much nicer forum, i feel they're a LOT more helpful there
I contacted them on mirc, becuse i was unfairly banned by players on the server. of course, they guys from team orange only laughed, and thought it was funny.
Quote from harjun :its alright, just try on another much nicer forum, i feel they're a LOT more helpful there

OMG, you are a great comedian.