the second Gran Turismo intro ends the video starts to ehm...well...suck? I dont know how to explain this but here goes
Standart cameras (mostly)
Bad driving (especially drifting)
Bad music...
thank god there was shift+f applied
Best parts were from Gran Turismo intro
4/10 for the GT intro
Yamakawa's videos "De Demoracer for example"
Don's slow motion videos
Nyox's videos
ehm... cant remember the guy who did "Welcome to Live For Speed"
and well...dare I say it? I believe I make decent movies?
i dont think its a copy, is not a very good video either but, it's just some sort of tribute, you know, a fan of GT and LFS based on GT1 intro for his video :P
a very old video but very good. at least i liked it.
"Kraniwani - Just racing"