The online racing simulator
GP Manager Pro
(587 posts, started )
Quote from diablo21 :I'm leaving today for 3 or 4 days but I might be able to manage your team Linsen. I'm leaving in like 1h, so if you're interested could you pm me with everything? I'm in league 27 and leading ^_^

Just in case: I sent you a pm, Diablo .
Quote from thisnameistaken :It's really simple: 10 seconds for the stop, plus 0.370 for every lap of fuel taken on.

I actually think .740 / 2 laps of fuel might be more accurate though (an 11-lap fuel load and a 12-lap fuel load, for example, more often than not seem to take the same amount of time), but I couldn't be bothered to figure out whether a given stop took on odd or even numbers of laps worth of fuel, and which two periods of the race would produce the same figure.

Alright, how'd you figure this out?
Quote from OneCrazyDiamond :Alright, how'd you figure this out?

I just looked at the stop times over a few races, and (a couple of pages ago) compared them to some other players' data.

I thought it would be harder to figure out (involving the strength of the technical department, dept. leader and so on), but it turned out to be a dead simple calculation that is the same for everybody.
Kev...since using that pit calculator of yours, it has made a difference...not wasting as much time with silly pit stops now

Big thanks!!
How did I end up in 6th division? (hi Blackout )
I'm nowhere near ready for that yet and I was already struggeling in 11th. On the brighter side: I keep failiing in every race, but the sponsors seem to like it
Hi Herki! :P

I was wondering the same thing. I mean...I've been crap the last two or three season, hardly making any points, maybe 2-4 in a season, and I'm put to 6th division? Well, I guess they need the backmarkers too.
I've stopped playing GPMP. It gets a bit repetitive once you've got the big test track and so on. Plus there's really no way to make up for the extra years the guys infront of you have been playing.
Quote from Blackout :Hi Herki! :P

I was wondering the same thing. I mean...I've been crap the last two or three season, hardly making any points, maybe 2-4 in a season, and I'm put to 6th division? Well, I guess they need the backmarkers too.

And guess what: I was the only one behind you this time again
were i can paint my car?
New Season, Thrashed everyone last season. now im up against bladerunner for the 4th time
Herki's in with me in Div 5 (demoted this year).

Putting everything I have into research at the moment. New 190% engine should be out in 3 races, and 7 races later will be my 200% engine. Sponsor at 190%, nearly 200%. Everything else at 190%.

Pushing for component development - going nicely, but not quite enough testing laps at the moment.

Soon I'll be able to put more in my second company, and start selling engines for decent profit, muhahahahaha

£18m profit per race, but always seem to get more.
Argh! Again I forgot to qualify, was picking up the pace this season. My engine team seems to be on a roll, did a 10 GP work in 1.

Now I too seem to be in the 5th league with Herki (again) and Tristan. Hello! :P
Spent too much money on my engine, my sponsers hardly cover it :/

Ah well, should win my league easy, looks very inactive

And pits suck, they cost too much time :P
Enjoy beating me, I don't know how I could ever end up that high without being not last the last 2 or 3 seasons. Must be my drunk drivers
Quote from robt :New Season, Thrashed everyone last season. now im up against bladerunner for the 4th time

You will find it easy for the first half of the season Rob....but wait until 2nd engine/chassis should be ready then
(been punching WAY above my weight for the last two seasons )
I'm shocked I actually moved up a couple of divisions after last season. I'll be running at a loss again for a few races, since my new suppliers are costing me a fortune. Thankfully I have enough cash saved to cover it.

The good news is that it looks like I'll be able to supply all of my own internals by the end of the season My engine design isn't up to scratch yet, but it's getting close. A handful of races and I'll be able to drop another supplier. Hopefully that'll slow down my spending
Im expecting to be thrashed anyway, im just on a normal account so 120% is my limit on everything
Quote from thisnameistaken :I just looked at the stop times over a few races, and (a couple of pages ago) compared them to some other players' data.

I thought it would be harder to figure out (involving the strength of the technical department, dept. leader and so on), but it turned out to be a dead simple calculation that is the same for everybody.

Somehow it doesn't seem to be the same for me. My pitting times f.e. have been four seconds slower than the times of other racers who did the same amount of pit stops in the last races I checked .

There have to be factors which influence pit times, but which ones are those?
who is in the 37th division?.... im there
Im still waiting for you to speed up bladerunner
Quote from robt :Im still waiting for you to speed up bladerunner

It's not half-way through the season
"There are 5 races left of 10"

I think you'll find it is!
Guys, I'm having a problem with my pit stops. They're just taking too damn long and I don't know why.

My team is currently set up as follows:
All my facilites apart from engine factory are at four-star-level.
My technical manager is Patrick Head (skill: ****, experience: *****, motivation: *****).
Technical department has 160 assistants.

I would expect that those factors are the only ones which could potentially have an influence on pitting times. Thing is, my pitting times are aweful compared to other teams.

Example from last race at Catalunya:

1st driver 1st pitstop on lap 22: 18.135 seconds
2nd driver 1st pitstop on lap 23: 18.135 seconds

1st driver 2nd pitstop on lap 45: 17.765 seconds
2nd driver 2nd pitstop on lap 46: 26.395 seconds (he had problems, so time is not representative)

An opposing team:
1st driver 1st pitstop on lap 21: 14.775 seconds
2nd driver 1st pitstop on lap 22: 14.775 seconds

1st driver 2nd pitstop on lap 41: 16.995 seconds
2nd driver 2nd pitstop on lap 42: 16.625 seconds

Another opposing team:
1st driver 1st pitstop on lap 23: 15.515 seconds
2nd driver 1st pitstop on lap 24: 15.515 seconds

1st driver 2nd pitstop on lap 45: 15.515 seconds
2nd driver 2nd pitstop on lap 46: 15.145 seconds

Now, no matter how I look at it, those other guys are pitting a lot faster than me . Anybody know why that is the case? Something wrong with my technical department? Did I miss an option or something?

I'd really appreciate some help.



Edit: And another question: If I hire a driver with 0% motivation will that build up relatively quick provided he's fast enough to finish in the top ranks?
i have a problem with my race pace.. i will qualify 5-6 and finish 11-12..

GP Manager Pro
(587 posts, started )